Sunday, July 26, 2020

Luke 6:39-42 "Expecting to Grow as we Learn"

     As we come to the conclusion of the series “Expecting” we end by focusing on the expectation of our own personal growth as we learn more about who Jesus is and who he has called us to be. Once again, we emphasize our responsibility for our own walk with God rather than getting distracted by what others are doing or not doing. Our ultimate goal is to become more like our teacher, Rabbi Jesus.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Hebrews 10:19-25 "Expecting Deeper Community"

In this message we’ll be talking about the need we have for Christian community and the expectation that genuine Christian friendships will be intentionally deeper and more spiritually nurturing than average relationships. It is important to have authentic Christian bonds in our lives because the people we share life with influence the direction of our lives as ours do theirs.

Monday, July 13, 2020

John 21:15-22 “Expecting Less of Others”

In this message we’ll be learning how our focus on others, what they are or are not doing, gets in the way of our focus on what God has called us to do and be.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Genesis 28:10-17 "Expecting God's Activity"

Message: Genesis 28:10-17 "Expecting God's Activity"

The message will encourage us to prayer reflect on our days and experiences to discover God's activity in our daily lives. 

The passage is where Jacob lays down to rest in Bethel and has a dream of the ladder ascending/descending between heaven and earth and his surprise at God's presence and activity in a place he wasn't expecting it.