Sunday, September 18, 2011

James 1:19-27 "Word & Deed"

There are two kinds of "knowing". One is intellectual awareness, while the other is experiential. The proof of 'knowing' the Bible is found in action, not mere words. If our actions are motivated by anger, rather than love, our religion is worthless.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

James 1:9-18 "Temptations"

It is the 10th anniversary of 9/11 and the question is "Are we better people"? James warns us about how "trials" and transition into "temptation".

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

James 1:1-8 "Outcomes"

The Book of James is for those who face trials of many kinds, and for those who find themselves in need of Wisdom.

Ecological Simplicity

Why should Christians learn to lighten their ecological footprint on the earth?

Material Simplicity

Once our basic needs are met, acquisition is not what brings further happiness. There are benefits to simplifying our material life. It allows us to pursue the things in life that really do matter.

Vocational Simplicity

We are often driven by a secular definition of success. For the Christian Vocation is a matter of calling, not just financial success.

Spiritual Simplicity

Come back to simplicity through the ancient practices of Scripture, Solitude, and the Practice of the Presence of God.

Thoughtful Simplicity

We complicate things by over-thinking and over-judging. So much of our thought life is unproductive. What does the Bible have to say about keeping it simple?

Relational Simplicity

Relationships are so integral, that we may need to trim the branches so we can nurture the relationships most important in our lives.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Temporal Simplicity

The first step to Christian Simplicity is considering how we use our time. Today we will learn about the natural rhythms God has created, which we can get in tune with.