Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Psalm 42:1-8 “Sayings of Saints: Augustine of Hippo”

 Message: Psalm 42:1-8 “Sayings of Saints: Augustine of Hippo”

 “Our heart is restless until it finds its rest in You”

We are often unsatisfied in life because we are looking for life in all the wrong places, or we are needing life to be some certain way. The cure for finding fullness of life is to find ourselves in God. In God we already have everything we need, including unconditional love and meaning.


Sunday, September 18, 2022

Romans 8:12-17 “Sayings of Saints: St. Benedict”

Message: Romans 8:12-17 “Sayings of Saints: St. Benedict”

St. Benedict encourages us to “Listen and attend with the ear of your Heart” We are often searching outside ourselves for God’s wisdom and direction. But God is often speaking to us in a more personal, inner way. He shows up in many ways throughout any given day. He usually speaks to us more about ourselves and our own inner thoughts than He does about other people or external situations. He is always calling us toward Christlikeness. He is often showing us who we truly are and helping us to shed our False selves and judgments. How is God speaking to and shaping your heart these days? 

Monday, September 5, 2022

Psalm 139:1-12 “Sayings of Saints: Amma Theodora”

 Message: Psalm 139:1-12 “Sayings of Saints: Amma Theodora”

Amma Theodora tells the story of a monk who thought if he left his monastery he would leave all his troubles and struggles behind, but he discovers this is not the case. There was something he was not considering. Amma Theodora’s word to us is “Wherever you go, there you are.” In this message we discover that we cannot run from our own issues and there is usually more to be learned by ‘staying’ than ‘leaving.’ Not only can we not outrun ourselves, but thankfully, God gladly finds us wherever we find ourselves.