Monday, April 30, 2018

Micah 2:1-13 “False Profits”

In this message Micah will talk about two things: False Profits and False Prophets. In this chapter it is revealed that those in power are exploiting those who are vulnerable. They are amassing land for themselves and leaving the people of the land desolate. False prophets have arisen to assure these leaders and land owners that God’s blessing is upon them. Micah continues to forecast a reversal of roles. Those who have left others desolate will taste desolation for themselves. The chapter ends with a message of hope as Micah looks forward to a coming Messiah who will be a true shepherd and leader for God’s people.

Luke 24:13-35 "The Foolish Mystery of the Church"

Message: Luke 24:13-35 "The Foolish Mystery of the Church"

Pastor Stan Hagemeyer

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Micah 1:1-16 "In God We Trust"

This week we launch the Micah series, where we will be going through one chapter of Micah’s eight chapters each week. Micah is a book that proclaims both judgment and hope. In this first chapter of Micah we’ll see that both the Northern Kingdom Israel and the Southern Kingdom of Judah placed their hope and devotion in the treasures of this world rather than treasuring God. But when we treasure the same things the world treasures, we can be sure those things will both let us down and be taken away from us by those who covet them. It is better to treasure that treasure which no man can take from us: Life with God.

Monday, April 2, 2018

1 Corinthians 15:1-8 "He Appeared"

After His Resurrection, Christ appeared to many people, including some who did not believe in Him before the Resurrection. This included Jesus’ own brothers and a man who adamantly opposed the Church and the Faith: Paul of Tarsus. These post-Resurrection appearances transformed these doubters, unbelievers and even opposers into faith filled followers of Christ who impacted their world for Jesus. When did Christ first appear to you?