Saturday, February 27, 2021

1 Samuel 12:1-5, 20-25 “A Life Well Lived”

 Message: 1 Samuel 12:1-5, 20-25 “A Life Well Lived”

This week’s text brings us toward the end of Samuel’s life and ministry. Samuel’s life isn’t just a personal matter, but an example for Israel of what it looks like to live one’s life unto God. Samuel served as a priest, judge, and prophet. Nonetheless, it is not his opinion that was the greatest testimony and challenge to the Israelites, but his example. A lot of people today want people to follow their opinions, but the real question is whether or not they should follow our example.


Saturday, February 13, 2021

1 Samuel 7:2-6 “Understanding Confession”


Message: 1 Samuel 7:2-6 “Understanding Confession”

As the Ark makes its way back to the Israelites, we begin to see the role and results of confession. The Philistines provide a guilt offering. The Israelites confess their faults and seek to realign their lives. Not only does this bring them peace, but God begins to restore to them what they had lost. In this message, we’ll learn about the role of confession in our lives.

Saturday, February 6, 2021

1 Samuel 5 “Doomed Dual Allegiances”

Message: 1 Samuel 5 “Doomed Dual Allegiances”

Our series continues as we follow the lost Ark. The Philistines make the mistake of thinking God is just another god to be worshipped alongside their other idols. But in this chapter, we learn that God is not willing to be placed alongside our other agendas. His agenda is meant to be our agenda and all personal agendas are to be carefully questioned. Jesus later reveals that our false idols go beyond images made out of metal, stone, or wood.