Sunday, August 28, 2016

John 11:17-37 “A Time to Weep”

In this passage we see how Jesus enters into our sufferingswith us while offering us new hope. 

Monday, August 22, 2016

John 11:1-16 "A Sickness not Unto Death"

In this passage Martha and Mary send for Jesus because their brother Lazarus is sick. Jesus does not come immediately and Lazarus dies. Martha is frustrated by Jesus’ seeming absence, reminding us of our own dark times in life. In this message we’ll look at the bigger picture of trusting God in the midst of some of our most difficult circumstances. 

Sunday, August 14, 2016

John 10:22-42 “Happy Hanukkah”

In this message we’ll look at the history behind ‘The Feast of Dedication’, aka “Hanukkah” and show how Jesus is the ‘sanctified leader’. He calls us to leave our own agendas and personal kingdoms behind and seek first the Kingdom of God, which is revealed in and through him.