Sunday, January 31, 2016

John 8:48-59 "Undercover Boss"

Jesus goes undercover as he works among his ‘employees’ at the Temple in Jerusalem. Find out what happens when he ‘blows his cover’ and reveals that He’s the Great “I Am”! 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

John 8:31-47 p. “You’re Just Like Your Father!”

In this week’s passage Jesus tells the religious leaders that they’re ‘just like their father’. The problem is, he’s not referring to God the Father, but the devil! Right relationship with God is about more than being ‘chosen’, it’s about becoming like our Father. Are you in a life transforming relationship with God?John 8:31-47 p. “You’re Just Like Your Father!”
-In this week’s passage Jesus tells the religious leaders that they’re ‘just like their father’. The problem is, he’s not referring to God the Father, but the devil! Right relationship with God is about more than being ‘chosen’, it’s about becoming like our Father. Are you in a life transforming relationship with God?

Sunday, January 17, 2016

John 8:12-30 p. 1662 “Be in the Light”

In this week’s message we’ll take a trip back to the Temple in Jerusalem and join the pilgrims there for a ceremony called the “Illumination of the Temple”. As the great golden lamps are lit in the Court of Women by night, we will see all of Jerusalem share in its light. It is in the context of this ceremony that Jesus declares he is ‘the light of the world’. Come and learn what it means to “Be in the Light”. 

Sunday, January 10, 2016

John 8:1-11 "Caught in the Act"

What can we learn from Jesus’ encounter with a woman who was caught in the act of adultery? We can learn a lot about grace, refusal to condemn, self-reflection and what God is really like. In this week’s message we’ll be called to humble ourselves, love others and embrace the incredible love of God for us as we see the Gospel lived out right before our eyes. Where there was condemnation we’ll discover redemption. 

Sunday, January 3, 2016

The Way of the Servant Matthew 20:20-28

In this Installation Service message we look at the difference between secular corporate consumer leadership models and a biblical servanthood leadership model. We are called to be Servant Leaders in the Way of Christ. What does that mean?