Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Isaiah 63:7-9 “They Will be Called Children of God”

-Christmastide, the twelve days of Christmas, begins with Christmas Day. On this first Sunday after Christmas Day, we celebrate the “Holy Family.” In this passage from Isaiah, we’re reminded that not only is Jesus God’s Son, but through Christ we’ve been adopted as God’s Children. God is a Parent who brings us life and liberation from the oppression of sin and brokenness, allowing us to take our first breath in His new world.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Isaiah 7:10-16 “A Sign”

This Sunday we will focus on the gift of God sending his Son in the world as a Sign of His love and the hope of redemption!

Monday, December 16, 2019

Isaiah 35:1-10 “Joy Will Overtake Them”

As we light the third Advent candle, we celebrate the theme of ‘Joy.’ The Candle is pink, representing the sunrise of the dawn of a new day. This is what Isaiah points to in our passage today. He speaks to those in exile in Babylon of a Way being made through the wilderness which will lead them safely to Zion and God’s promised future for them. We share in this promise with the exiles, looking forward to a future defined by Joy.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Isaiah 11:1-10 “The Poor and Needy”

This week’s Advent Theme is ‘Peace’. Isaiah envisions a coming day when ‘A shoot shall come out of the stump of Jesse.” This advent message reminds us that Jesus is the fulfillment of a promise. With the coming of Jesus comes the beginning of a great redemption and restoration promises to turn the world right-side-up. Are we sure we want this kind of world? This will be a world where the wolf and lamb live in peace with one another. Are we ready to see the redemption of our enemies rather than the retribution of our enemies? This is the kind of peace Christ offers us. What areas of your own life need peace and renewing?

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Isaiah 2:1-5 "Envisioning God's Future"

We begin this new season of Advent by envisioning the hope of God's future for humanity. In this broken world, having hope takes both faith and courage. Isaiah presents a vivid picture of God's future for us in this passage. We must not only envision it, but walk toward it.