Saturday, April 24, 2021

John 11:1-46 “Believe: Mary & Martha”

Message: John 11:1-46 “Believe: Mary & Martha”

When Lazarus is seriously ill, Mary & Martha call on Jesus, but he doesn’t show up to fix everything. During their darkest hour, when Lazarus dies, they wonder where he is. He has not forgotten or forsaken them. In fact, they come to a much deeper realization of who he is on the other side of this darkness.


Saturday, April 17, 2021

Matthew 27 & John 18-20 “Believe: Pontius Pilate”

Message: Matthew 27 & John 18-20 “Believe: Pontius Pilate”

Each of us is faced with a decision about who Jesus is and what kind of claim he has on our lives. There are so many forces at work that work against our acceptance of the Lordship and divinity if Jesus. We often forfeit everlasting peace for fleeting comfort or ambitions. In this message we will highlight Pontius Pilate’s encounter with Jesus and his wrestling between what he saw in Christ and his compromises with the world around him. We’ll also take a look at how these decisions face each and every one of us.


Sunday, April 11, 2021

Mark 15:8-39 “Believe: The Soldier”


Message: Mark 15:8-39 “Believe: The Soldier”

Last week we began an Easter season series called “Believe.” In this series, starting with Thomas, we’re looking at the testimony of six different New Testament people and the stories of how they came to “Believe.” This week, we’ll look at the story of a soldier, a Roman Centurion, who was skilled in breaking people. Unfortunately, we all have experience in breaking people. But the Centurion saw something in Jesus that contrasted so vividly with his own life, he became a broken man who recognized his need for healing. He saw the divinity of Jesus hidden within his humanity. What if our recognizing our own brokenness helps us see God’s goodness all the more clearly?  

Monday, April 5, 2021

“Believe: Thomas” John 20:19-20, 24-29

 Message: “Believe: Thomas” John 20:19-20, 24-29

This Sunday we will begin a new, five week, Easter Series called “Believe” that will look at the lives of six NT biblical characters, beginning this week with Thomas. Thomas is often known for ‘doubting’ the resurrection of Jesus. In this message we’ll look at what fosters ‘belief’ in people; what causes doubt; and the amazing, patient love of God toward those who doubt, which is the same kind of patient love we’re called to have toward others.