Sunday, August 21, 2022

Luke 5:15-16 “Sayings of Saints: Abba Moses”

 Message: Luke 5:15-16 “Sayings of Saints: Abba Moses”


As we begin this new series, “Sayings of Saints”, we start off with the Desert Father Abba Moses, who lived in Egypt between 330AD – 405AD. Abba Moses instructs followers of Jesus saying, “Go, sit in your cell, and your cell will teach you everything.” The “cell” was the monks place of silence and solitude, where he or she would be confronted by the inner life, which would direct their conversation with God. For the Christian who desires to grow in Christlikeness, silence and solitude are essential. Only there are we able to pay attention to our inner thoughts and feelings. Only there are we able to reflect on our actions and motivations. And it is there that we are able to connect most intentionally with God in prayer. The Gospels tell us that “Jesus often withdrew to deserted places to pray.” It was in silence and solitude with the Father that Jesus found his center and guidance for his life.


Sunday, August 14, 2022

Genesis 50:15-21 “God’s Hidden Hand”

 Message: Genesis 50:15-21 “God’s Hidden Hand”

In this final message from our Genesis series we’re encouraged to let God be God. Since we don’t have to play God, we don’t need to teach anyone any lessons or put anyone in their place. We can also trust that God’s Hidden Hand is at work redeeming even the broken actions and places of this world. We can trust our lives to Him, especially when our lives aren’t going as we had hoped or planned.


Sunday, August 7, 2022

Genesis 48:12-20 “Less is More”

 Message: Genesis 48:12-20 “Less is More”

 Time and again in Scripture we see God lift up and even favor the unlikely and those who otherwise would have no position or status in society. There is little he can do for those who only seek their own benefit and advancement. But those who were at a disadvantage are more ready to realize their dependence on God. Even more, if they don’t become conceited, they will seek to lift up the underdog themselves. In this way God has always meant for humanity to be keepers of one another. How has God uniquely gifted you to serve others?