Sunday, August 30, 2020

John 6:53-67 "The Practice of Being Uncomfortable"

Message: John 6:53-67 The Practice of Being Uncomfortable

This week we’ll be looking at “The Practice of Being Uncomfortable.”

The root word of the word ‘pilgrim’ is peregrini which means ‘stranger.’ Being a pilgrim requires that we stretch, that we travel to wild edges, and risk being uncomfortable. It is in that discomfort that we encounter new dimensions of our own capacity and new faces of the sacred. When have you been tempted to ‘leave’ because it was the easier thing to do? What is God calling you to go ‘through’ so that you might be stretched, overcome, and grow? 

Monday, August 24, 2020

Luke 5:1-11 “The Practice of Making the Way by Walking”

Message: Luke 5:1-11 “The Practice of Making the Way by Walking”

When we are called to follow Jesus, as the disciples were, it isn’t only an invitation to take a step toward an unknown outer journey. It is also the invitation to step into an unknown inner journey, toward uncharted territory. Just as God has led us on unfamiliar paths in this physical world, he also invites us on a spiritual pilgrimage into unchartered territory. How do our outer and inner worlds overlap and intertwine?


Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Matthew 6:19-24 “The Practice of Packing Lightly”


Message: Matthew 6:19-24 “The Practice of Packing Lightly”

This week we will begin a new series called “The Soul of a Pilgrim.” It will introduce us to a number of practices from our eight week retreat based on the book by the same title. The first practice we will look at this week is “The Practice of Packing Lightly.” When a person sets out on a pilgrimage, they must pack only what they absolutely need so they won’t be weighed down on the journey. This week we’ll talk about what it is we are seeking on our spiritual pilgrimage. We’ll also take note of the things we must consider leaving behind so as not to be hindered as we make Christ our destination.