Sunday, June 28, 2020

Matthew 14:22-36 "Jesus Walks on Water"

Message: Matthew 14:22-36 "Jesus Walks on Water"

 We'll be looking at this miracle as a message about Jesus' deity and our call to be focused on following him toward our transformation to become more like him. We'll also be talking about how easy it is to lose focus and how he is there to catch us when we are going under. 

Monday, June 22, 2020

Luke 8:26–39 “Jesus Casts Out a Legion of Demons”

Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit and his miracles are acts of restoration. One of the ways he heals people and society is by casting demons out of the possessed and freeing them from destructive forces. Paul tells us these forces are present at all levels of society and God seeks to deliver us from them and in so doing, we are also delivered from our own destructive forces.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Luke 22:47-53 "Jesus Heals the Servant's Ear."

In this passage we will talk about the disciples move from violent revolutionaries to those who understand the transformational power of self-sacrifice. Not only should we lay down our lives for those we love, but there is transformational power in laying down our lives for our enemies. Yet, why is it that we have a difficult time hearing the voice of others unless they pay the ultimate sacrifice? This has always been true and it is why Jesus had to die before people would be willing to hear his message.