Sunday, September 13, 2015

John 6:1-15 "Agendas"

In this passage the crowds finally begin to understand the message behind the miracles. They recognize Jesus as the one ‘foretold’ when he feeds the masses. But at this point they stop listening and seek to use Jesus to forward their own agenda. Jesus calls us to embrace his agenda, he does not embrace ours.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

John 5:31-47 "Cultivate Love"

As Jesus finishes up his defense against (and accusation upon) the religious leaders, he ends by telling them they don’t actually believe in the Bible they think they obtain life by. The evidence of this is a lack of God’s love in their hearts and failure to recognize God in their midst. The Bible is meant to give us eyes through which to see, but sometimes we only see the Bible through man made lenses. One of the main witnesses that we have read and understood Scripture properly is that God’s own love has begun to grow within our own hearts. Is love what is being cultivated within you?