Sunday, February 25, 2018

Philippians 2:1-11 "Becoming the Stranger"

In this continuation of the series “Encountering the Stranger” we will talk about our call to identify with the Stranger, Alien and Foreigner. Because of Israel’s experience in Egypt and as wanderers on the face of the earth, they were called to treat the foreigner among them as one of their own. It is through identifying with the plight of another that we are able to empathize and assist them. As Christians, we too are called to recognize our ‘alien’ status on earth, living as Kingdom of God people while here on earth.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Hebrews 13:1-3 "Encountering God in the Stranger"

In this message we’ll be looking at passages where God shows up as a stranger. Hospitality was a big deal to the Jewish people and it should be a big deal for Christians as well. We never know when we might Encounter God in a Stranger.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Nehemiah 1:1-4, 2:17-18 Divine Direction: "Faith to Start"

In this final segment of “Divine Direction” we’ll focus in on the need to “begin”. You don’t need the faith to get to the finish, you just need the faith to ‘start’. You certainly won’t finish something you don’t start. We’ll be looking how Nehemiah’s burden for Jerusalem turned into divine direction for him to begin something new.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Acts 20:22-24 Divine Direction: "Trust the Process"

We’re called pay attention to and follow the Spirit’s prompting in our lives. Yet this prompting does not come with ‘certainty’. If you’re not living with a little uncertainty—you’re not living with faith. Also, just because you’re following God’s plan doesn’t mean you won’t experience resistance. In fact, when we follow God’s direction we can expect resistance, but internally and externally. We are not called to be ‘successful’, but to ‘obey’. In obeying, we can have complete confidence in God’s plan for us.