Sunday, December 9, 2018

Philippians 1:3-11 “He Who Began a Good Work”

In this Advent message we’ll look at the theme of the bond we have with one another in Christ, as we share in spreading the gospel and growing in Christlikeness. God is doing a work in us. Paul describes us as being ‘blameless.’ This blamelessness isn’t based on what we have achieved or become in our own strength or by our own will, but it is due to the work of Christ on the cross and the Holy Spirit’s continued work in us. What God has begun in us, He will bring unto completion. This is the reason for our “Peace.”

Monday, December 3, 2018

Jeremiah 33:14-16 “A New Day Will Dawn”

Today marks the beginning of Advent, which is a time of anticipation at what God is about to bring about. In the passage from Jeremiah, the people of Israel are in a time of waiting. Babylon has overthrown Jerusalem and all hope seems to be lost. But the prophet gives them the hope filled vision of God’s promised future, which will bring about a new beginning in a just society. As we consider the state of our world today, the climate and chaos, we look forward in hopeful anticipation to the new world Christ is bringing about.