Monday, September 23, 2019

Luke 8:26-39 “Lessons from the Land: Gergesa”

As we continue to visit the places Jesus ministered on the Sea of Galilee, we now move toward the darkest region of all, known as the Decapolis. This was a Gentile region where Jesus extends his ministry beyond the Jewish people and toward the Gentiles. In this place, a man who had been living in separation and exclusion was made whole and restored to his family. This man became a witness of God’s love and power among this non-believing region. The next time Jesus returned here many came out to see him.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Psalm 1 "Surprised by Pleasure - The Joy of Following God's Word"

Message: Psalm 1 "Surprised by Pleasure - The Joy of Following God's Word"

Devin Scott brings the message this week.

John 8:1-3 “Lessons from the Land: Magdala”

This week we visit a city called Magdala, on the Western side of the lakeshore. This is the town that Mary Magdalene was from, just seven miles south of Capernaum, Jesus’ ministry base. Jesus restored Mary’s life and she dedicated the rest of her life to him. She is mentioned more times in the Gospels than most of the Apostles. Her life is an example to us of what it looks like to be transformed by Jesus and devote ourselves to following him. Like Mary Magdalene, it is important to remember what Jesus has rescued us from and called us to.

Monday, September 2, 2019

John 14:1-4 “Lessons from the Land: Chorazin”

In Chorazin you will find an incredible example of the family home, known as an “insula.” In Jewish terminology, this was called at Bet Av, or ‘The Father’s House.’ It is not a mansion, like many westerners are prone to think of, but a community living center. When Jesus goes to the Father’s house to prepare a place for us, he is talking about bringing us into intimate community with the Father, himself, and the believing community.