Monday, November 27, 2017

Genesis 16:1-4 "I Choose: Surrender Over Control"

All of us face the temptation to control or manipulate the outcomes in our favor. Yet the need to control doesn’t lead to peace, but rather anxiety. In this message we will look at how attempting to control outcomes can get out of hand, hurt relationships and lead to a cycle of increasing anxiety. God invites us to surrender, which is part of recognizing that He is God and we are not. This brings peace.

Luke 17:11-19 "Overwhelmed"

So much to do, and so little time to do it ...sound familiar? When you're spread thin, it's easy to feel defeated—but you don't have to be Let's look at how we can bring some strength and sanity to our daily lives.
This is a message about taking time to find the right place to start, the right perspective, and the right priorities to avoid the feeling of being overwhelmed. Whether it’s busyness, finances, marriage problems, kids, illness, or any another struggle, this message will look at how putting God at the top of our list of priorities is always the right choice.

Monday, November 13, 2017

John 3: 1-21 BLESS: “Share Your Story”

And today, it’s about the last letter in BLESS, the second S which stands for S= Share the Story. Sharing the story of God, the story of God in your life. Today we will talk about the call to share the story and the difference it makes as well as give some general guidelines for Sharing Your Story.

Monday, November 6, 2017

John 21:15-25 “You Follow Me”

Jesus restores Peter and gives him a mission. As is easy to do, Peter compares his call with the call of another. Jesus tells him he needn’t concern himself with anyone else and what they are supposed to be doing. Peter is to focus on what he has been called to do and entrust Christ with everything and everyone else.