Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Master Counselor: "Why Are You Afraid"

Today we learn what Jesus taught the disciples while they were on a boat in the midst of a storm. The Master Counselor gets to the root of our fear by asking us questions. In the questions, we often discover the presence of God. The storms of life certainly do come, and thankfully the Master Counselor never leaves!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day 2014: "Mary, Mary, Mary"

In today's message will look at the life of Mary Magdalene and what we can learn from her example.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Genesis 13 "Free of Attachments"

Abram has returned to the Promise Land. His 'detour' to Egypt was not a complete waste. In fact, we often learn more from our failures than we do our successes. Abram has learned to let go of "Attachments". Learn more about what attachments are and the liberty that comes from being free of them in this weeks message "Free of Attachments"

Genesis 12:10-20 "Abandon Yourself to God"

Sometimes in life we take detours on the spiritual journey. We find ourselves seeking the Promised Land in places outside of the Promise. We choose Fear over Faith. Thankfully God is incredibly gracious. He is patient and willing to redirect us, often turning our "leaving" into "learning". Find out more in this weeks message "Abandon Yourself to God"

Easter Sunday: "I Am the Resurrection!"

This resurrection Sunday we look at a very overlooked aspect of the Resurrection. Has a radical change occurred in the life of God? Find out, in "I Am the Resurrection!"