As we come to the End of 2015 we are reminded that "Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's End." May we begin the New Year remembering that we are on this earth to undergo Christ-like transformation in preparation for the Kingdom of God.
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Saturday, December 26, 2015
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Fan into Flame
A message delivered by current pastor Keith J. Foisy entitled "Fan into Flame" at the first Evergreen Ministry Center Service December 6th 2015.
Pastor Bud & Lydia Faulk
On December 6th we held our first service in the new Evergreen Church Ministry Center. Included are some words of encouragement from former Pastors Bud & Lydia Faulk .
"Bring Your Gifts"
In this Advent message "Bring Your gifts" we are encouraged to discover what we truly care about and invest our time, energy and resources into those things, bringing our gifts to God with joy. We also look at the fears that keep us from being generous.
Looking Back Moving Forward
On November 29th 2015 we held our last service at the Evergreen Chapel built in 1952.
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
“Bow the Knee” Matthew 2:1-12
In this message we visit the visitation of the King. Wise
men from the East came and bowed the knee to him because they recognized his
Kingship. We too are called to “Bow the Knee” to Christ the King. We are to bow
the knee in pursuit, repentance and submission to Christ. Every knee will bow
and every tongue confess. The gift is found in recognizing the Lordship of
Christ in the here and now.
Sunday, November 22, 2015
John 7:25-52 “Flow”
Does your faith help your life to flow and become ever more
alive, or is it just a set of beliefs to be defended? In this passage, Jesus
declares that those who believe in him will have streams of living water
flowing into their lives. He speaks this during a time of year when everything
is parched and the people are praying for rain.
Sunday, November 8, 2015
John 6:51-71 "Listen"
In this week's passage, Jesus tells us what we need to hear, even if it isn't what we 'want' to hear. The majority of those following him turn and walk away. The few who were left chose to 'Listen' even though they didn't fully understand. There are many times in life when we don't understand, but will we choose to continue listening until we do?
Sunday, November 1, 2015
John 6:35-51 "The Ark of Christ"
The 'chosen' were not drawn to God when He was in their midst. In fact, when they encountered Jesus, they did not really like what God was like. Jesus reveals what God is like when he dines with sinners, is anointed by a prostitute, shows grace to an adulteress, receives an invitation to Zaccheus' house, touches the untouchables, tells a condemned man that he will join him in Paradise, and rebukes the self-righteous. This is what God is really like and those who can receive a God like this will indeed receive eternal life. They will be drawn to God in Christ just as the animals were drawn toward Noah's Ark and in Christ they will be brought into the new world called The Kingdom of God.
Sunday, October 25, 2015
John 6:28-35 “Life Unseen”
In this message Jesus reveals that he is the Life Giver
which comes from heaven. The bread that gives us life is a person, which means
we find life in Jesus Christ. God comes to us in unexpected ways and this is
why he often comes ‘unseen’. Rather than miss the Life Giver, we ought to ask
God for eyes to see Him in the midst of our every day.
Monday, October 19, 2015
Colossians 1:15-23 "The End of Wrath"
In this message we will be reminded that God is not up in
the sky carefully watching us, writing everything down in order to punish us
for our sin. Instead the sin of the whole world was laid upon Jesus and paid
for in Christ. While we suffer the natural consequences of our own sin and
others in this world, God is not doling out special punishments for specific
sins. The truth of the Gospel is that our sin has been completely forgiven and
God is eagerly inviting us into His loving arms.
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
"I Accept"
These two words have the power transform your life and bring you peace in the midst of chaos. Learn from Jesus' Midnight prayers in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Sunday, October 4, 2015
John 6:28-25 "Bread & Wine, Life & Spirit"
Jesus describes himself as the true bread which comes down from heaven to give life to the world. He emphasizes spiritual nourishment over physical nourishment. This message is set in the context of communion and is a reminder of the meaning behind communion.
Saturday, October 3, 2015
John 6:16-27 “Crossing Over”
In this passage Jesus meets his disciples in the midst of a
dark night. They are terrified when they see an apparition coming toward them,
walking on the water. The crowds follow Jesus by land the next day and cross
over to Capernaum. The whole passage is about crossing over from the temporal
realm to a heavenly realm. We are spiritual beings having a human experience,
but sometimes we get completely caught up in what will soon pass. Let’s look
toward the eternal One and live for that which has everlasting value.
Sunday, September 13, 2015
John 6:1-15 "Agendas"
In this passage the crowds finally begin to understand the message behind the miracles. They recognize Jesus as the one ‘foretold’ when he feeds the masses. But at this point they stop listening and seek to use Jesus to forward their own agenda. Jesus calls us to embrace his agenda, he does not embrace ours.
Sunday, September 6, 2015
John 5:31-47 "Cultivate Love"
As Jesus finishes up his defense against (and accusation
upon) the religious leaders, he ends by telling them they don’t actually
believe in the Bible they think they obtain life by. The evidence of this is a
lack of God’s love in their hearts and failure to recognize God in their midst.
The Bible is meant to give us eyes through which to see, but sometimes we only
see the Bible through man made lenses. One of the main witnesses that we have
read and understood Scripture properly is that God’s own love has begun to grow
within our own hearts. Is love what is being cultivated within you?
Sunday, August 30, 2015
John 5:16-30 "Breaking Sabbath"
In this passage, Jesus makes a clear break with the
religious establishment of his day. This group has convinced themselves that
God wants what they want and cares about what they care about. The lack of
compassion in their hearts is clearly evident to all but themselves. Jesus
discerns that it is time to ‘break Sabbath’ and thereby break through the
façade of the evil they call religion. True religion is always to become more
like the loving Father above who is exemplified in Jesus Christ.
Friday, August 28, 2015
Teen Challenge 2015
Listen to testimonies and song from our friends at Western Michigan Teen Challenge.
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
John 5:1-15 "Do You Want to Get Well?"
“Do you want to get well?” seems a silly question to ask
someone who has been disabled for 38 years. Yet this is exactly the question
Jesus asks a man who is lame and laying on his mat. In order for spiritual
healing to take place we need to both recognize our brokenness and desire
wholeness. Not everyone wants to be made whole. Do you want to get well?
Sunday, August 9, 2015
John 4:43-54 "Signs"
Jesus leaves Samaria for Galilee and we discover that the
“lost” Samaritans were more receptive of Jesus than the “Chosen” Jews. The
Samaritans were waiting for one who would bring answers. The Jews were waiting
for one who would fulfill their expectations. The Samaritans had on ‘signs’ but
they formed a relationship with Jesus. The Jews had many ‘signs’ but never
realized that the ‘signs’ were meant to lead them to the person. The call is a
call to believe in Jesus, but what exactly does that mean?
Sunday, August 2, 2015
John 4:27-42 "Food"
In this week’s message, Jesus reveals that spiritual food is
more important than physical substance. Jesus’ food is to do the will of the
Father, which is to reconcile the world to God. Jesus does this by pouring out
God’s love & grace on all people, drawing them to himself. Jesus himself
becomes our food; what sustains and nourishes us. We are nourished by the
knowledge of his love and by growing in that love for both ourselves and
Sunday, July 26, 2015
John 4:1-26 "Water"
In this week's passage we meet a woman who has been searching, but not finding. She has given up hope. Her well is dry. Then she meets Jesus beside Jacob's well and is offered the one thing that will bring her life: Water. Living Water which will create a spring within her own spirit so that wherever she goes, this water source will go with her.
Sunday, July 19, 2015
John 3:22-36 “Less is More”
As we move further into the life of Christ, we become Less and Christ becomes More. What is it that steals your
attention and allegiance from Christ alone? Sometimes, even the ‘good’ can
distract us from what is ‘better’, as was the case for John’s disciples who had
a hard time with Jesus overshadowing John. John told them that it was right for
Jesus to overshadow him. Is there anything we’re allowing to overshadow Christ?
Sunday, July 12, 2015
John 3:14-21 "Believe"
In this message Jesus, The Teacher from Above, calls us to
“Believe”. What is it that we are called to believe? Is it about believing in
some historical facts, like Jesus died for my sins? Jesus calls us to the kind
of belief in God’s love for us that has a transforming impact on our lives. We
are to believe with such an understanding that we could not but otherwise
Follow the Way of the Teacher. We always act according to our sincere beliefs
and therefore our very lives attest to our true beliefs.
Sunday, July 5, 2015
John 3:1-13 "Rabbi"
Nicodemus, a popular Jewish Rabbi, comes to Jesus at night.
After the scene in the Temple it’s probably not safe for him to be seen
collaborating with Jesus. There’s a lot of pressure for Nicodemus to reject
Jesus as God’s revelation. What pressures do you face when it comes to faith
and belief? Do you feel safe to ask sincere questions in your community? Are
you following the leading of the Spirit and your conscience or just moving
along with the religious crowd? Nicodemus is a lead teacher in Jerusalem, but
he doesn’t have most of the answers. Jesus is the ‘Teacher’ who has come from
above and this Teacher replaces all the former teachers, just as Jesus replaces
the old way of purification and the Temple itself.
Sunday, June 28, 2015
John 2:12-25 "Temple"
In this message we will look at the significance of Jesus’
cleansing of the Temple. We continue to see a ‘replacement’ theme, where Jesus
replaces the functions of the Old order with a ‘better’ cleansing and a
‘better’ temple. What used to happen with in Judaism now happens in and through
Christ himself. In addition to great theology, Jesus invites us to examine
ourselves and our systems to see if we’ve replaced worship with empty forms or
even secular values.
Sunday, June 21, 2015
John 2:1-11 "Wine"
Jesus unveils the beginning of his ministry with a wedding
and an abundance of wine. Old systems have become obsolete as the very best has
been saved for last. In this message we’ll look at how Jesus replaces all old
religious systems and invites us into a new life as well.
Sunday, June 14, 2015
John 1:35-51 "Seeing & Being Seen"
In this message we’ll experience Jesus’ call to come and
experience who he is for ourselves. As we begin to discover Christ for
ourselves we begin to realize how he already knows us intimately. In ‘seeing’
we discover we are ‘being seen’. It is in ‘seeing and being seen’ by God that
we come to realize our place in and with Him.
Sunday, June 7, 2015
John 1:19-34 "The Lamb of God"
In this section of John, the Baptist is out in the wilderness baptizing with a baptism typically reserved for Gentile converts. He is calling the World to radical conversion as he introduces the One who will do the ultimate converting.
Sunday, May 31, 2015
John 1:1-18 "An Eternal Love"
The Gospel of John opens with the incredible revelation that
God has entered human history in a historic and profound way: He became human
and walked among us. Jesus comes to us to reveal God fully to us in hope that
we would recognize the One who has created us and loved us with an eternal
love. In Christ, God is calling us back to Himself.
Sunday, May 24, 2015
“The Journey Home” John 11:21-27
Much like the womb, this life and this world is a place for
growth and development, meant to prepare us for the life which is to come. In
the New Testament, Jesus reveals that this life is a Journey of Transformation.
Over and over again we are told not to be afraid. In Christ, there is no longer
death, but New Life.
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Pain & Process
Sometimes there is nothing that can be done for our pain, we must simply experience it. In the midst of pain and suffering the only thing that may bring some comfort is to know that we do not suffer alone. Our suffering is a share in the common suffering of humanity. It is the same suffering that Jesus entered into when he became human and shared in our infirmities. How might suffering join us together rather than tear us apart? Jesus shows the way…
Monday, May 11, 2015
God Never Said That Part 3
It’s not true that what others don’t know won’t hurt them. In this message we will talk about how our hidden sins have an impact on our relationships even though they are unknown. What’s more is that it is the inner issues, often unseen to the world around us, that are the issues in deepest need of transformation. Our faith is a matter of transformation and not just information.
Monday, April 27, 2015
“God Never Said That!” Wk 2
Has anyone every told you that “God won’t give you more than you can handle”? Well, God never really said that. Sometimes we really do have
more than we can handle. In those difficult times God teaches us to turn to Him
for understanding, comfort, and strength in the midst of our weakness.
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
"God Never Said That" Week 1
In the series "God Never Said That!" developed by Life Covenant Church, we will look at some sayings that are commonly attributed to God and the Bible, but are not actually from either of these sources. These sayings can actually have very damaging effects on our life and faith. The first in this series of sayings is "God Wants You to be Happy!"
Engaging Islam
In "Engaging Islam" Franco & Jade come to Evergreen to speak to us of God's love for Muslims and their call to share that love with them. Before they do, Pastor Keith shares about how our hearts are called to have an "Us for Them" disposition, rather than give into our culture's ever growing "Us vs Them" mentality.
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
"The Spiritual Significance of Resurrection" John 3:1-9
In this Easter 2015 Message, we will look at the Spiritual Significance of Resurrection. The Resurrection secured much more than the hope of heaven in the future. It imparts to us the reality of spirituality now.
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Guest Speaker: George Goodrich - "A Week Of Mixed Emotions"
This week we take a virtual trip starting at the sea of Galilee going through Jericho and entering Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives. Once we are in Jerusalem we will be following Jesus through his last week ending at the tomb.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Ecclesiastes 11:9-12:14 "Return to the Source"
In this week’s message, Qoheleth calls us to seek the Lord
in our youth, because days are coming when we will need him more than ever.
Aging is no easy task, and the life of faith we build now will help equip us
for our latter years, as our spirit prepares to return to its source, which is
God. The trust and faith God calls us to is to be kept simple and not
complicated by lofty theories or strenuous religion.
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Ecclesiastes 11:1-8 "Catch & Release"
In “Catch & Release” Qoheleth reminds us that life will
bring both good and bad. We ought not allow this to paralyze us, but rather
venture out knowing that some of what we do will fail, but other areas will
thrive. This is the nature of life and we are called not only to embrace it,
but even enjoy it.
Monday, March 9, 2015
Ecclesiastes 10 "A Fool's Errand"
In this message "A Fool's Errand" we’ll be looking at the outcomes of foolish
choices. Foolish choices are usually the result of self-seeking behavior which
is also self-defeating. The only cure is to seek God’s wisdom for life.
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Ecclesiastes 9 "Our Common Destiny"
Our Common Destiny is death... but also life. Qoheleth tells us that now is the time to live, and then he calls us to live fully with a quiet wisdom. The loudest voice is not the one we ought to be following.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Ecclesiastes 8:8b-17 "Shadows that don't Stretch"
In this message we will continue to look at the differences
between Wisdom and Wickedness. Though there are gains to be made in the life of
the unjust, these will ultimately be short-lived. It is tempting to return evil
for evil, but Qoheleth calls us to leave both judgment and consequences to God,
reminding us that the life of the unjust is not all it appears to be.
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Ecclesiastes 8:1-8a "One God, One King"
In this message Qoheleth gives us some principles to consider before we respond, especially when we are confronting authoritative powers. This principle works for all of our relationships of course. We also look to the NT and Early Church for guidance and practice concerning dual allegiances and the difficult position such allegiances place us in. God wants our our full allegiance without compromise.
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Ecclesiastes 7:23-29 "Self-Destruct"
In this message we will be looking at the folly of
wickedness and how we are prone to embrace those things that ultimately empty
us of joy and goodness. The path of destruction is self-chosen, not God
imposed. Emptiness is what God is saving us from.
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Ecclesiastes 7:15-22 "Drink this Cup"
In this passage Qoheleth looks at the dangers of both
over-righteousness and over-wickedness and recommends a cup of wisdom mixed
with humility to lead and guide us. Only when we recognize our own shortcomings
are we able to recognize our need for God’s grace and extend grace to others.
Sunday, January 25, 2015
New Habits for a New Year
-In this message, New Habits for a New Year, which is the last of the series, we will
take a look at how to create new, life giving habits in our lives. These are
the habits that help form us into the person God knows we are.
Sunday, January 18, 2015
Speak Life! James 3:3-5
This week we're going to start paying attention to the words we speak. Our words have the power of life and death. What we speak is also what nourishes us. Are our words 'taking life' or 'giving life'?
Monday, January 12, 2015
Small Things Big Difference: Thought Patterns
In this week's message we'll look closely at our thought patterns in order to capture destructive thoughts and replace them with Christ-centered thought processes.
Sunday, January 4, 2015
"Cup-bearers to the King" Matthew 25:31-40
In this Installation Service Message "Cupbearers to the King", we explore what it looks like to serve Christ.
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