Sunday, July 26, 2015

John 4:1-26 "Water"

In this week's passage we meet a woman who has been searching, but not finding. She has given up hope. Her well is dry. Then she meets Jesus beside Jacob's well and is offered the one thing that will bring her life: Water. Living Water which will create a spring within her own spirit so that wherever she goes, this water source will go with her.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

John 3:22-36 “Less is More”

As we move further into the life of Christ, we become Less and Christ becomes More. What is it that steals your attention and allegiance from Christ alone? Sometimes, even the ‘good’ can distract us from what is ‘better’, as was the case for John’s disciples who had a hard time with Jesus overshadowing John. John told them that it was right for Jesus to overshadow him. Is there anything we’re allowing to overshadow Christ? 

Sunday, July 12, 2015

John 3:14-21 "Believe"

In this message Jesus, The Teacher from Above, calls us to “Believe”. What is it that we are called to believe? Is it about believing in some historical facts, like Jesus died for my sins? Jesus calls us to the kind of belief in God’s love for us that has a transforming impact on our lives. We are to believe with such an understanding that we could not but otherwise Follow the Way of the Teacher. We always act according to our sincere beliefs and therefore our very lives attest to our true beliefs. 

Sunday, July 5, 2015

John 3:1-13 "Rabbi"

Nicodemus, a popular Jewish Rabbi, comes to Jesus at night. After the scene in the Temple it’s probably not safe for him to be seen collaborating with Jesus. There’s a lot of pressure for Nicodemus to reject Jesus as God’s revelation. What pressures do you face when it comes to faith and belief? Do you feel safe to ask sincere questions in your community? Are you following the leading of the Spirit and your conscience or just moving along with the religious crowd? Nicodemus is a lead teacher in Jerusalem, but he doesn’t have most of the answers. Jesus is the ‘Teacher’ who has come from above and this Teacher replaces all the former teachers, just as Jesus replaces the old way of purification and the Temple itself.