In this Christmas
message we'll talk about the different reasons Jesus came to earth. We'll focus
in on one major reason that helps us know who and what God is like.
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Monday, December 19, 2016
Monday, December 12, 2016
Micah 6:8 & Gal. 5:22-25 “How are we to be, ‘Eeyore or Pooh’”
Message: Micah 6:8 & Gal. 5:22-25 “How are we to be, ‘Eeyore or Pooh’”
Guest Pastor Dave Nesburg from Portage Lake Bible Camp
Guest Pastor Dave Nesburg from Portage Lake Bible Camp
Monday, December 5, 2016
John 4:27-34 "Hunger and Thirst"
In this communion message we
contemplate how Christ himself is the spiritual food which sustains us. All of
our desires, no matter how misguided, actually stem from our one true desire
for God. It is only when we realize that He alone can quench our thirst and
fulfill our deepest desire that we begin seeking him first before all else.
Sunday, December 4, 2016
John 14:1-14 “Reflections”
Jesus reflects the
Father, taking on his characteristics and living out his will. In a like way,
followers of Jesus are to reflect him, taking on his characteristics and living
out the life we’ve seen lived in and through him. In this way we build upon the
foundation Christ has laid. And in the same way, the world will see Christ in
and through his followers.
Monday, November 21, 2016
John 13:18-38 : “Self-Preservation”
Last week we looked at
how Jesus gave away everything: Prestige, Power and Position, for the salvation
of the world. This week we’ll see how in the very next passages the disciples
choose ‘Self-Preservation” over trust and faith in God. The Scriptures call us
to ‘lean not on our own understanding’. The journey of trust and faith is a
lifelong journey that we grow into as our attempts at self-preservation fail us
and our realization of God’s faithfulness begins to sustain us.
Monday, November 7, 2016
John 12:37-50 “The Face of God”
In this message we’ll discover the face of God in the face of Jesus. If you want to know what God is like you just have to look at what Jesus is like. Any image of God that doesn’t look like Jesus is either a misinterpretation or a misunderstanding. In this passage Jesus says, “When a man believes in me, he does not believe in me only, but in the one who sent me. When he looks at me, he sees the one who sent me.” Jesus has come into the world to enlighten the world and reveal the One True God to humanity.
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
John 12:20-36 "Light"
John 12:20-36 "Light"
In this week’s passage Jesus calls us to walk in the light while it is still available to us. For the Jews of the first century this meant to listen to and follow Jesus’ teachings. The life we’ve been given offers both light and darkness. By following the teachings of Jesus and the leading of the Holy Spirit, we are still being called to walk in the light while it is available to us. To walk in the light is to undergo a process of transformation where we become what Jesus calls sons and daughters of light.
In this week’s passage Jesus calls us to walk in the light while it is still available to us. For the Jews of the first century this meant to listen to and follow Jesus’ teachings. The life we’ve been given offers both light and darkness. By following the teachings of Jesus and the leading of the Holy Spirit, we are still being called to walk in the light while it is available to us. To walk in the light is to undergo a process of transformation where we become what Jesus calls sons and daughters of light.
Monday, October 24, 2016
Matthew 22:39-40 “Avoiding Election Infection”
Matthew 22:39-40 "Avoiding Election Infection"
This one-week video message
from Andy Stanley dives into the emotionally charged topic of American
politics, and asks what would it look like if Christians filtered their
politics through their faith rather than filtering their faith through their
Monday, October 17, 2016
John 12:12-19 “Palms”
In this week’s passage
we’ll see Jesus ride into Jerusalem on a donkey. The people are waving palms
and calling him their king, but these two images and understandings of who the
Messiah is and what he came to do are worlds apart. Even the disciples did not
understand these things until after the resurrection and after time learning
and growing in their knowledge of Christ and the Kingdom. In the same way, our
journey of faith is a journey of growth and understanding. As we grow, our
image of God should change for a better, truer portrait.
Monday, October 10, 2016
John 12:1-11 “Nard”
In this message we’ll
see the difference between lived out faith and dead religion. Mary will
generously give extravagantly for the sake of simply honoring Jesus, while
Judas will make religious sounding judgments as to why Mary’s extravagance was
a waste, but it is motivated by his self-seeking. Lazarus too will reveal that
those who receive life from Christ will also need to be ready to give their
life for Christ, as the religious leaders seek to send him back to the tomb.
Those who truly receive life from Christ also become willing to give
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
1 John 2:1-11 "The One Who Knows Him"
1 John 2:1-11 "The One Who Knows Him"
This passage deals with obeying the commands of Christ which is to love one another. Those who know Christ show this through their love for God and one another. We cannot love God without loving one another.
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Psalm 14 and St. Luke 15:1-10 "Lost and Found"
Message: Psalm 14 and St. Luke 15:1-10 "Lost and Found"
Pastor Larry Doorn presents a message on unconditional love as found in the story of the lost sheep.
Pastor Larry Doorn presents a message on unconditional love as found in the story of the lost sheep.
Sunday, September 11, 2016
John 11:45-57 “The Preemptive Strike”
In this passage we’ll look at how fear and broken justice
wielded by fallen humans led to a courtroom scene where Jesus is unjustly
condemned to death in order to justly redeem humanity. Here are the first hints
of the nature of Jesus’ atoning death as the sacrificial lamb. Jesus’ death is
for all people, but some will believe and some will not.
Sunday, August 28, 2016
John 11:17-37 “A Time to Weep”
In this passage we see how Jesus enters into our sufferingswith us while offering us new hope.
Monday, August 22, 2016
John 11:1-16 "A Sickness not Unto Death"
In this passage Martha and Mary send for Jesus because their
brother Lazarus is sick. Jesus does not come immediately and Lazarus dies.
Martha is frustrated by Jesus’ seeming absence, reminding us of our own dark
times in life. In this message we’ll look at the bigger picture of trusting God
in the midst of some of our most difficult circumstances.
Sunday, August 14, 2016
John 10:22-42 “Happy Hanukkah”
In this message we’ll look at the history behind ‘The Feast
of Dedication’, aka “Hanukkah” and show how Jesus is the ‘sanctified leader’.
He calls us to leave our own agendas and personal kingdoms behind and seek
first the Kingdom of God, which is revealed in and through him.
Sunday, July 31, 2016
“When the Walls Came Down” Acts 10:9-15, 34-35
In this communion message we’ll look at how God broke down
the wall between Jews and Gentiles and how the church is called to continue
this ministry of breaking down walls as we are called to declare the Good News
of a God who so FOR us!
Sunday, July 24, 2016
"Go" Acts 9:19-31
When you’re transformed, you can’t help but catch the
vision to GO! When you commit your
life to Christ, you commit to a lifelong adventure to go where you’ve never been before.
After Saul’s dramatic encounter with Jesus (in Acts
9:1-19), he was transformed. Saul the persecutor became Saul the proclaimer. He
caught a vision to GO and proclaim
the Good News that “Jesus is the Son of
God” (Acts 9:20). We’ve also been called to GO. In this message we’ll look
at both what that means and the hindrances we must overcome to respond to
God’s call on our lives.
Sunday, July 17, 2016
“The Barnabas Factor” Acts 9:26-31
It’s risky to love people! People will hurt you.
Sometimes they can’t be
trusted. We’ve all been burned by someone in the past. The
idea of taking a risk on other people might not be very appealing. But
sometimes that’s exactly what God has in mind for us. And sometimes, on the
surface, it makes very little sense.
Becca Lubbers YWAM
Becca Lubbers shares how God is at working transforming her relationship with him while he prepares her to continue missionary work abroad.
Sunday, July 10, 2016
Chris & Kara Zinchuck YWAM
Chris and Kara Zinchuck, the directors of YWAM Virginia in Richmond and long time Evergreen Missionaries, give us an update.
Acts 9:15-16 “The Significance of Nobody”
consistent theme in the Bible is that God chooses the least likely to do
extraordinary things. He chose David, rather than his tall, strapping older
brothers. He chose Saul, who was a ‘least likely’ who was ‘against’ everyone to
show other seemingly insignificant people that they were in fact known and
chosen by God. God has noticed each one of us and there is hope for the other
‘least likely’ people in our lives as well.
Sunday, July 3, 2016
Undeniable: What Even the Skeptics Believe
In this message we will be looking at Saul’s encounter with
the Risen Jesus on the Road to Damascus. We’ll see how encountering Jesus
changes our lives, giving us a new direction, mission, character and transforms
our relationships. Our Faith in Jesus is based both on historical truths and
personal experience with changed lives!
Sunday, June 26, 2016
“The Dragon Dilemma” James 1:2-4
So when we consider the persecution
in Acts, we have to ask why God allows us to suffer at all. Certainly the
first-century believers wondered why God wasn’t protecting them.
Let’s look at this question of pain
and suffering more closely. There aren’t easy answers, but there are answers.
We’ll see how God turns even our suffering for our good.
Sunday, June 19, 2016
Acts 1:4-8 “The Pebble Plan”
In this message we’re going to talk
about having a vision for our lost world.
We see this “world vision”
mentality in the book of Acts throughout the TV series A.D. In virtually every episode, the church is acting upon the final words of Jesus, given to them on His last day
on earth.
With his final words, Jesus left
the disciples to carry out His last command, which we see conveyed in the book
of Acts and the rest of the New Testament. And what they did next, as
demonstrated in the TV series A.D.,
was carried out in their following The Pebble Plan . . . God’s strategy to
spread the Gospel.
Sunday, June 12, 2016
Unstoppable Acts 5:29-32
you’re in a season of life where you’re facing a situation that seems
impossible; maybe you’re going through a divorce and feel like a failure; maybe
you feel unworthy, unwanted, or unloved. The obstacles you’re facing may feel
insurmountable. This message is for you today: God is with you, His grace is enough for you, and He has a good plan
for your life and your future that no one or nothing can stop.
Sunday, June 5, 2016
"Stand" Acts 4:18-20
world is polluted with so many images that aren’t Christlike, and I have to
daily take a stand for purity and holiness. I can’t let garbage into my mind
and heart. I have to take a stand against anything that would hinder my
relationship with God. See, we all have weaknesses and temptations, and we will
also face moments in our faith where we have to take a stand against things
that try to hinder where God desires us to be. The only way we can live a God-honoring
life is by taking a stand. In Acts chapter 4, we see some men who take a stand
for their faith in Christ.
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Acts 2:1-4 "The Works of the Holy Spirit"
The Holy
Spirit has always been working. But His work is not aimless. In fact, He has a
job description. In reading Scripture, you can count on finding clear descriptions
of the Spirit’s various tasks. Scripture does not leave the works of the Spirit
to our imagination. The Spirit of God has specific work to be done, and
Scripture clearly teaches us about that work.
Sunday, May 22, 2016
"The Reality of the Resurrection" John 20:26-29
In this message we will look at the profound impact the
resurrection had on the disciples lives. It strengthened their resolve,
deepened their relationship with Christ, and restored their lives. A particular
emphasis will be given on Thomas, who moved from doubt toward belief.
Sunday, May 15, 2016
A.D. Acts "The Grave Robber"
This week
we begin the A.D. series. As we look at seven major miracles, we will focus in
on the miracle of the Resurrection and Jesus as one who ‘robs the grave’ by
being restored to Life. This incredible miracle speaks to his ability to
breathe new life into each of us as well. Where there was death, now there is
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
1 Peter 2:4-6 "Building Blocks"
On May 1st 2016 we held a Church Dedication Service celebrating the completion of the new building which will become a place for building up lives in Christ.
Sunday, April 24, 2016
It’s been said, “We’re blessed to be a blessing”. It’s easy
to look at what we are lacking and overlook all we have been entrusted with.
God has given us so much and it is all a ‘gift’; food, clothes, the breath you
just took. God has called us to be content and generous with what we have. Are
you content? The best question isn’t “What can I get?” but, “What can I give?”
What can you do to be more generous? What is the next stop for you? This message was inspired by the Nooma episode by the same title.
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Matthew 23:1-4 “Seven Marks of Mentally Healthy Spirituality”
There are not only a lot of religions to choose from, but a
lot of churches and denominations within Christianity itself. Whether or not
the religion being taught is mentally healthy or not must be determined on a
case-by-case basis. The religious leaders of Jesus’ day had the Holy
Scriptures, but they did not practice them in a way that was mentally healthy. In
today’s message, we’ll explore Seven Marks of a Mentally Healthy Religion.
Does it build bridges or barriers between
Does it foster healthy or unhealthy dependency
Does it move from a sense of guilt to
Does it increase or lessen enjoyment of life?
Does it lead to an acceptance or denial of
Does it emphasize love or fear?
Does it strengthen or weaken self-esteem?
Monday, April 11, 2016
Matthew 6:25-34 “The Spiritual Practice of Everyday Life”
Spiritual Practices and Disciplines are coming back into the
Church. You can attend prayer retreats to learn them and find out what works
for you. As we introduce spiritual practices into our lives, let us remember
that daily life itself is a spiritual practice. God is available every moment
of everyday and everyday He is using the activities and experiences you have to
guide, shape and spiritually form you. Enter intentionally into the Spiritual
Practice of Everyday Life!
Friday, March 4, 2016
John 10:1-10 “A Familiar Voice”
Jesus described himself as a shepherd whose sheep know his
voice. He is here to care for the sheep and give them life. There are other
voices that compete for our attention; voices that demand and instill fear.
These voices say they speak for God, but they don’t. Jesus said we will know
his voice and it will lead toward life and goodness.
Sunday, February 28, 2016
George Goodrich "Only Three Hours of Darkness?"
Based on bible verses Luke 23: 44-45 the theme of this message is adopting God's lessons particularly as they relate to Forgiveness, Love, Faith & Hope from
1Corinthians 13:13.
Sunday, February 21, 2016
John 9:35-41 "Cast into the Arms of Christ"
The man who was blind now sees, but those who claim to see
are blind. The man who can now see is cast out of the community, but finds
himself in the company of Christ. In this passage we’ll see how the man born
blind has received his site and is on a journey that is continuously increasing
his ‘seeing’ and ‘understanding’. In the same way, we are growing in our faith
and understanding of God.
Sunday, February 14, 2016
John 9:13-34 p. 1665 “This I Know”
There’s a lot off peer pressure to conform to
‘group thinking’. We’ll see that in this week’s passage. But we’ll also see a
man who has had an encounter with Jesus, willing to lose everyone’s approval
for the approval of the One.
Sunday, January 31, 2016
John 8:48-59 "Undercover Boss"
Jesus goes undercover
as he works among his ‘employees’ at the Temple in Jerusalem. Find out what
happens when he ‘blows his cover’ and reveals that He’s the Great “I Am”!
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
John 8:31-47 p. “You’re Just Like Your Father!”
In this week’s passage Jesus tells the religious leaders
that they’re ‘just like their father’. The problem is, he’s not referring to
God the Father, but the devil! Right relationship with God is about more than
being ‘chosen’, it’s about becoming like our Father. Are you in a life
transforming relationship with God? John 8:31-47 p. “You’re Just Like Your Father!”
-In this week’s passage Jesus tells the religious leaders
that they’re ‘just like their father’. The problem is, he’s not referring to
God the Father, but the devil! Right relationship with God is about more than
being ‘chosen’, it’s about becoming like our Father. Are you in a life
transforming relationship with God?
Sunday, January 17, 2016
John 8:12-30 p. 1662 “Be in the Light”
In this week’s message we’ll take a trip back to the Temple
in Jerusalem and join the pilgrims there for a ceremony called the
“Illumination of the Temple”. As the great golden lamps are lit in the Court of
Women by night, we will see all of Jerusalem share in its light. It is in the
context of this ceremony that Jesus declares he is ‘the light of the world’.
Come and learn what it means to “Be in the Light”.
Sunday, January 10, 2016
John 8:1-11 "Caught in the Act"
What can we learn from Jesus’ encounter with a woman who was caught in the act of adultery? We can learn a lot about grace, refusal to
condemn, self-reflection and what God is really like. In this week’s message
we’ll be called to humble ourselves, love others and embrace the incredible
love of God for us as we see the Gospel lived out right before our eyes. Where
there was condemnation we’ll discover redemption.
Sunday, January 3, 2016
The Way of the Servant Matthew 20:20-28
In this Installation Service message we look at the difference between secular corporate consumer leadership models and a biblical servanthood leadership model. We are called to be Servant Leaders in the Way of Christ. What does that mean?
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