Monday, October 24, 2016

Matthew 22:39-40 “Avoiding Election Infection”

Matthew 22:39-40 "Avoiding Election Infection"

This one-week video message from Andy Stanley dives into the emotionally charged topic of American politics, and asks what would it look like if Christians filtered their politics through their faith rather than filtering their faith through their politics. 

Monday, October 17, 2016

John 12:12-19 “Palms”

In this week’s passage we’ll see Jesus ride into Jerusalem on a donkey. The people are waving palms and calling him their king, but these two images and understandings of who the Messiah is and what he came to do are worlds apart. Even the disciples did not understand these things until after the resurrection and after time learning and growing in their knowledge of Christ and the Kingdom. In the same way, our journey of faith is a journey of growth and understanding. As we grow, our image of God should change for a better, truer portrait.

Monday, October 10, 2016

John 12:1-11 “Nard”

In this message we’ll see the difference between lived out faith and dead religion. Mary will generously give extravagantly for the sake of simply honoring Jesus, while Judas will make religious sounding judgments as to why Mary’s extravagance was a waste, but it is motivated by his self-seeking. Lazarus too will reveal that those who receive life from Christ will also need to be ready to give their life for Christ, as the religious leaders seek to send him back to the tomb. Those who truly receive life from Christ also become willing to give extravagantly.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

1 John 2:1-11 "The One Who Knows Him"

1 John 2:1-11 "The One Who Knows Him"

This passage deals with obeying the commands of Christ which is to love one another. Those who know Christ show this through their love for God and one another. We cannot love God without loving one another.