Message: Luke 2:1-20 "The Magnificent Manger"
In this message, taken from the Advent Series Because of Bethlehem, we look at the significance of the manger.
Friday, December 29, 2017
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Luke 2:1-12 "Every Heart A Manger"
God in Jesus entered the world in
the most humble way. A young Jewish virgin gave birth to the Son of God and
laid him in a manger. No Hollywood glitz or glamour! When Christ was born, so
was our hope. No one is beyond the love of God. God, in his relentless love,
will go anywhere for anyone. The baby Jesus, who is now the risen Christ,
desires to live in you.
Monday, December 18, 2017
Matthew 2:1-12 “God Guides the Wise”
In this
Advent message we’ll look at the story of the three wise men from the East.
We'll learn that God is ever seeking to guide us to himself by way of Christ.
In this story we’ll see how different folks were shown the same signs, but the
path they chose to follow was very different. The path of humility is the path
that leads to God, while the path of pride and self-advancement is a path that
ends in disappointment.
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Luke 2: 1-20 "Worship Works Wonders"
The theme of my
message is the worship that advent taught us and that Jesus is worth
worshiping, if that helps.
"God has a Face"
Advent begins this
week and with it we begin a four week Advent Series inspired by Max Lucado’s
book “Because of Bethlehem.” In this first message entitled “God has Face” we
celebrate God with us and see what God is like in the life and teachings of
Jesus. God did not only come into our world, but he has also come into our
lives and the implications are big!
Monday, November 27, 2017
Genesis 16:1-4 "I Choose: Surrender Over Control"
All of us face the temptation to control or manipulate the
outcomes in our favor. Yet the need to control doesn’t lead to peace, but
rather anxiety. In this message we will look at how attempting to control
outcomes can get out of hand, hurt relationships and lead to a cycle of
increasing anxiety. God invites us to surrender, which is part of recognizing
that He is God and we are not. This brings peace.
Luke 17:11-19 "Overwhelmed"
So much to do, and so
little time to do it ...sound familiar? When you're spread thin, it's easy to
feel defeated—but you don't have to be Let's look at how we can bring some strength
and sanity to our daily lives.
This is a message about taking time to find the right place to start, the right perspective, and the right priorities to avoid the feeling of being overwhelmed. Whether it’s busyness, finances, marriage problems, kids, illness, or any another struggle, this message will look at how putting God at the top of our list of priorities is always the right choice.
This is a message about taking time to find the right place to start, the right perspective, and the right priorities to avoid the feeling of being overwhelmed. Whether it’s busyness, finances, marriage problems, kids, illness, or any another struggle, this message will look at how putting God at the top of our list of priorities is always the right choice.
Monday, November 13, 2017
John 3: 1-21 BLESS: “Share Your Story”
And today, it’s about the last letter in BLESS, the second S
which stands for S= Share the Story. Sharing the story of God, the story of God
in your life. Today we will talk about the call to share the story and the
difference it makes as well as give some general guidelines for Sharing Your
Monday, November 6, 2017
John 21:15-25 “You Follow Me”
Jesus restores Peter
and gives him a mission. As is easy to do, Peter compares his call with the
call of another. Jesus tells him he needn’t concern himself with anyone else and
what they are supposed to be doing. Peter is to focus on what he has been
called to do and entrust Christ with everything and everyone else.
Monday, October 30, 2017
John 21:1-14 “Gone Fishing”
After being out on the
lake all night, the disciples didn’t catch a thing. But when Jesus shows up and
directs them, they discover and abundance of fish as they follow his lead. What
is it that just hasn’t been working for you no matter how hard you try? Are you
living life your way or seeking God’s leading for your life?
Sunday, October 22, 2017
John 20:24-31 “Believe”
The disciples are sent out to proclaim the good news of
Jesus’ victory over death and the forgiveness of sins. The first person they
come to, Thomas, is filled with doubt, as will be many people we come in
contact with. In this passage we see the invitation to ‘believe’ repeated
numerous times and the proclamation that those who believe are blessed.
Monday, October 16, 2017
John 20:10-23 “Overjoyed”
A light appears in the
darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it. Jesus appears to Mary and the
disciples after the resurrection, turning their darkness to light. The hope of the
resurrection results in the those who know and love Jesus being ‘overjoyed’.
Saturday, October 14, 2017
Teen Challenge-Sept 24
Message: Teen Challenge Sharing
People from Western Michigan Teen Challenge share their testimonies.
People from Western Michigan Teen Challenge share their testimonies.
Monday, October 9, 2017
Mark 7:31-36 "BLESS: Serve with Love"
To bless people on the Jesus Mission, we will serve
individuals and communities at their point of need that are identified as
we listen.
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
John 19:38 – 20:9 “Empty”
Jesus has been crucified and his body was laid in a tomb.
But when Mary and some of the disciples visit the tomb, it is empty. They
wonder where Jesus is. Sometimes we have moments in life when we don’t feel
God’s presence or see where or how he is at work. The Psalmist reminds us,
“Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” In this message
we’ll talk about trusting God in the midst of the darkness.
Monday, September 11, 2017
John 19:28-37 “Blood & Water”
In this message, John
interprets the death of Jesus through the lens of Old Testament sacrificial
cleansing. The ‘Blood & Water’ which flows from Jesus’ side is the living
water and the cleansing blood that restore our relationship with God. In
becoming human, Jesus becomes ‘thirsty’ even as humanity is thirsty for God. In
living in absolute obedience to the Father, Jesus ‘finishes’ the work of
redemption, reclaiming humanity for God.
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
Matthew 9:9-13 “BLESS: Eat Together”
Big Idea: One of Jesus’ missional practices was to Eat
with People. He ate with people who others would never have associated with.
Eating with others is a way to break down barriers and ultimately draw people
to Christ. Today we’ll talk about the missional practice of eating together.
Monday, August 28, 2017
John 19:16-27 “Naked”
In Genesis God clothed
the naked sinners with clothes he made for them. In this passage, God gives us
his clothes to wear, while he wears our nakedness. As John becomes family to
Mary, so also, in Christ, we become family with one another.
John 19:6a-16 “Power Plays”
In this message, we
continue the theme of Christ the King, but we see the use of ‘Power Plays’ as
demonstrated in both Pontius Pilate and the Chief Priests. In the powers of the
world we see the powers of darkness at work and are reminded to trust in the
power of God alone and to not lean on our own strength or understanding. Jesus
demonstrates that ‘the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the
weakness of God is stronger than human strength.’ 1 Cor 1:25
Monday, August 14, 2017
Luke 18:35-42 BLESS: "Listen with Care"
This week we continue our intentional evangelism initiative:
BLESS. The first step was to Begin with Prayer for those God was
placing on our hearts. The next step is the practice of Listening
with Care. To bless people on the Jesus Mission, we will listen to people’s
needs and stories more than we talk. As the old saying goes, “No one cares what
you know until they know that you care.”
Monday, August 7, 2017
Matthew 5:13-16 "Salt & Light in Our Community"
This message will focus on the characteristics of Christians that are actually being “salt” and “light” in their communities. They strive to know God, and are helping other people get to know God (through inviting them to experience heartfelt worship), They are striving to grow in their own relationship with God, and they are helping people grow in their relationship with God (through encouraging them to pursue intentional discipleship), and they are joining God in His work in the world (evangelism; intentional compassion, mercy, justice).
Monday, July 31, 2017
John 6:48-59 “Hunger for God”
In this fifteen-minute communion message we’ll talk about how
communion calls us toward both hunger for God and intimate satisfaction through
union with Christ. In communion, as in marriage, two become one flesh.
Monday, July 24, 2017
John 19:1-7 “The Coronation Ceremony”
In this week’s
passage we see Jesus’ mock Coronation ceremony, but are reminded that he is our
humble King and God. The way of redemption and glorification come through
humility. Christ’s kingship is radically different from the examples we have in
the world.
Sunday, July 16, 2017
John 18:28-40 "What is Truth?"
As Jesus stands before Pilate, the question that is up for grabs
is, “What is Truth?” Jesus has come to testify to a truth and a Way that is not
of this fallen world. Options are set before us and decisions need to be made.
What is it we will choose, the way of the world or the way of Christ? Barabbas
or Jesus?
Monday, July 10, 2017
Luke 6:12-16 B.L.E.S.S.: "Begin with Prayer"
This week we continue
our Evangelism Initiative by unpacking the first letter of the B.To reach,
restore, reproduce and release people into mission we begin by praying about
God wants us to bless
each day and how He particularly wants us as individuals to bless our world.
Monday, July 3, 2017
John 4:1-42 “The Jesus Mission”
This Sunday we
begin a new six-part evangelistic series that we will visit on the
first Sunday of each month for the next six months. In this week’s
intro to the series we’ll discover how Jesus’ Mission is our Mission. we
discover that the Jesus mission is made up of 3 life changing and
world-changing elements: Reaching, Restoring and Reproducing. We’ll see these
principles at work in Jesus’ encounter with the Woman at the Well.
Sunday, June 25, 2017
John 18:15-27 "Roosters and Reflections"
While Jesus is on
trial, his disciple Peter is tested as well. Peter struggles with revealing his
true identity while Jesus refuses to be anything but who he is. In this passage
we will learn about living out of our true self that is founded in God. This will
take reflection. God gives us rooster crows in life that are opportunities to
look at who we are and to consider whether or not we are operating out of our
identity in him.
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
John 18:1-14 “Where He Leads Me”
As we move into
chapter 18 of John’s Gospel, we see Jesus embracing God’s plan for his life.
The plan includes some very difficult experiences, but Christ chooses to accept
the bad with the good and trust the Father for the ultimate outcome. The same
can’t be said for Judas and Peter, one who will have a poor ending while the
other will ultimately learn to trust through this life experience. This trust
will ultimately lead to complete redemption.
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
John 17:20-26 “Bridge Builders”
When I was a kid and
harboring on something too long, my father was known to say, “Build a Bridge
and Get Over It.” What stands in the gulf between us and unity with others? As Jesus
prays for the unity of all believers, we are called to be Bridge Builders. In
fact, it is the defining mark of a genuine disciple of Jesus.
Monday, June 5, 2017
John 17: 6-19 “In the World, Not of the World”
In this message we’ll
see Jesus’ intimate prayer to the Father, for the disciples. He is leaving the
world, but they will remain in the world. Jesus asks the Father to watch over
the disciples, that they do not get pulled back into the world. Instead, they
are to be ‘set apart’ and ‘unified’ that they may glorify God in the world.
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
John 17:1-5 “The Time has Come for Eternal Life”
In this Memorial Day
Message, Jesus turns to the Father in prayer. The Time has come for him to
depart this world and be reunited with the Father. In his rising, Jesus
anticipates pouring out Eternal Life upon all who believe. It is the way Jesus
defines eternal life that will give us a whole new perspective. We are called
to live for God now in such a way as to live into Him for all Eternity.
Monday, May 22, 2017
John 16:17-33 “Joy Comes in the Morning”
In this message we’ll
look at the challenges we face, the disappointments we encounter and the hope
that ultimately enables us to overcome. Though we face sorrow and troubles in
this life, the life of Christ sustains us and is using everything we encounter
to prepare us for a new day which is already dawning.
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
John 16:5-16 “Conviction”
In this message we’ll
take a look at the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives and the life of the
world. We’ll learn the lesson of ‘letting go’ in order to ‘receive’ what God
has for us, while we trust God with both our lives and the ultimate outcome of
the world itself.
Monday, May 1, 2017
John 15:18-16:4 “Against the Current”
In this message, Jesus
tells us that those who want to follow him can expect the world to resist them.
The values of secular society are often in contradiction to the ways of Christ
since Jesus challenges self-righteousness, self-centeredness and the power-over
model. He tells us to expect to have evil returned for good and persevere in
the good none-the-less.
Monday, April 24, 2017
John 15:1-7 “I Am the Vine”
In this message we’ll
look at the importance of being in intentional relationship with Christ for the
purpose of fruitful transformation, with an expectation of some painful yet necessary
Monday, April 17, 2017
Matthew 27:62-28:10 "And on the Eighth Day..."
Today we’ll look at an
early Church theology concerning the Resurrection as the beginning of a New
Creation. It was also known as ‘The Eighth Day’.
Monday, April 10, 2017
Mark 15:16-41 "Beauty in Brutality"
Message: "Beauty in Brutality" Mark 15:16-41
This Palm Sunday message reflects on the events of Holy Week contrasting the brutal crucifixion to the beauty of the forgiveness of our sins.
This Palm Sunday message reflects on the events of Holy Week contrasting the brutal crucifixion to the beauty of the forgiveness of our sins.
John 20:1-10 "He Chose to Give Us Victory"
Message: John 20:1-10 "He Choose to Give Us Victory"
The last message in the Lenten series He Chose the Nails by Max Lucado and led by George Goodrich.
The last message in the Lenten series He Chose the Nails by Max Lucado and led by George Goodrich.
Romans 8:37-39 "He Chose Eternal Love"
In the gift of the
Cross, God reveals both the height and width of his love for us. Nothing can
separate us from His love in Christ Jesus. He loves us both now and forever. In
the same way, we are both positionally and progressively sanctified. Positionally,
we already have good standing with God. Progressively, we are becoming more
like Christ as the Spirit works in us.
Monday, March 20, 2017
John 19:23-24 “He Chose to Invite Us In”
Message: John 19:23-24 “He Chose to Invite Us In”
Today we’ll look at God’s promise in the garment as another
of the gifts God has given to us. Jesus’ robe was a gift, well crafted, and
represented the life he lived. Robes were given as gifts from a family when a
young man left home. According to rabbinic tradition, a robe represented the
family name and tribe. Jesus’ robe was of excellent quality. The Roman soldiers
did not want to tear something valuable apart. At the cross, the soldiers took
Jesus’ seamless robe from him. He wore the ugly garment of nakedness,
indignity, and failure. He wore our sin.
2 Corinthians 5:16-21 "He Chose Forgiveness"
Message: 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 “He Chose Forgiveness”
The hands that formedyou in your mother’s womb are the hands that were stretched out and willingly
nailed to the cross. All your sins—greed, lies, jealousy, pride, rebellion—and
all your mistakes were nailed there with Jesus. He nailed it!
Monday, March 6, 2017
John 1:1-4, 14 "What if God was One of Us?"
In this message we’ll
look into the deep truth of the Christian faith, that God became one of us. The
crown of thorns that he wore also has deep symbolism. Looking back on old
testament passages that speak of the curse and thorns, we’ll see just what
Christ bore for us.
Monday, February 27, 2017
Philippians 13:1-14 "Have Done with Lesser Things"
This message will
encourage us to be done with lesser things and pursue that thing which Christ
has called us. We get so caught up in the temporal, when the eternal beckons us
toward what is everlasting.
Monday, February 20, 2017
Romans 8:18-24 "All is Not Lost"
In this message we’ll talk about the redemptive nature of
suffering. Some have called suffering ‘the way of descent’ and the path of
‘letting go’. It is only in letting go of all we cling to that we are able to
embrace Christ.
Sunday, February 12, 2017
James 5:12-20 "At-one-ment"
In this communion service message we will see how Christ’s life
of obedience unleashed a power greater than the power of sin and death. That
power is at work in our lives, reviving and restoring us; preparing us for
eternal life.
James 1:13-15 “Shadow Boxing”
In this message we’ll
be taking a look at our dark side. Jesus didn’t come to save the world because
we were doing alright on our own. No, the world is a very broken place and that
brokenness is very personal. Our brokenness often results in ‘sin’. It’s easy
to focus on the brokenness of the world around us, but the call to confession
is a call to look within. In this message we’ll be called to an inner life of
examination and better understanding the shadow side of sin, which with the
power of Christ in us, we will overcome.
Thursday, February 2, 2017
Matthew 8:2-3, Luke 24:17-19 "How to Neighbor: The Lonely Loved"
In this message we’ll
look at the life and ministry of Jesus to learn three ways of reaching out to
those who may feel isolated or alone around us. With the ministry of Touch, Listening
and Time, we can enter into each other’s lives in a more Christ-like way.
Monday, January 23, 2017
1 John 3:17-18 "How to Neighbor: Empowering the Poor"
Poverty goes beyond
material lack, it extends to one’s mindset (the way one thinks). The root of
poverty is brokenness; from brokenness in one’s own life to brokenness in
societal systems. This message will focus on Jesus’ call to help others in
healthy ways and differentiate between unhealthy ways that often do more harm
than good.
Monday, January 16, 2017
James 1:27 "How to Neighbor: Orphans Embraced"
In this message we’ll
look at how we are called to move beyond passing laws and toward entering into
the world of the fatherless. Adoption is one of the most Christ-like acts we
can do. You may not be called to foster or adopt, but you are called to
participate. This message explores the ‘why?’ and engages the ‘how?’.
Monday, January 9, 2017
Luke 10:33-34 “How to Neighbor: Racism”
As the world grows
more connected, our neighbors are closer than ever. You might not share a
fence, but you can still share their burdens and joys.
How to Neighbor is a
four-week series with a strong push for local missions. Each week focuses on a
different aspect of how to build relationships with our neighbors and how to do
good in the context of those relationships. The topics covered are "Racism
Reconciled," "Orphans Embraced," "Poor Empowered," and
"Lonely Loved."
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
Hebrews 11:24-27 "Get Started"
We can never finish
the things we never start.
Sometimes, we spend so much time thinking about how to start something that we never actually start it. In this sermon we'll look at how Moses had a few excuses when God told him to go back to Egypt and free the Israelites. But for every excuse, God will always be with us and equip us if we just step out in faith.
Sometimes, we spend so much time thinking about how to start something that we never actually start it. In this sermon we'll look at how Moses had a few excuses when God told him to go back to Egypt and free the Israelites. But for every excuse, God will always be with us and equip us if we just step out in faith.
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