Tuesday, May 30, 2017

John 17:1-5 “The Time has Come for Eternal Life”

In this Memorial Day Message, Jesus turns to the Father in prayer. The Time has come for him to depart this world and be reunited with the Father. In his rising, Jesus anticipates pouring out Eternal Life upon all who believe. It is the way Jesus defines eternal life that will give us a whole new perspective. We are called to live for God now in such a way as to live into Him for all Eternity.

Monday, May 22, 2017

John 16:17-33 “Joy Comes in the Morning”

In this message we’ll look at the challenges we face, the disappointments we encounter and the hope that ultimately enables us to overcome. Though we face sorrow and troubles in this life, the life of Christ sustains us and is using everything we encounter to prepare us for a new day which is already dawning.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

John 16:5-16 “Conviction”

In this message we’ll take a look at the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives and the life of the world. We’ll learn the lesson of ‘letting go’ in order to ‘receive’ what God has for us, while we trust God with both our lives and the ultimate outcome of the world itself.

Monday, May 1, 2017

John 15:18-16:4 “Against the Current”

In this message, Jesus tells us that those who want to follow him can expect the world to resist them. The values of secular society are often in contradiction to the ways of Christ since Jesus challenges self-righteousness, self-centeredness and the power-over model. He tells us to expect to have evil returned for good and persevere in the good none-the-less.