Tuesday, September 19, 2017

John 19:38 – 20:9 “Empty”

Jesus has been crucified and his body was laid in a tomb. But when Mary and some of the disciples visit the tomb, it is empty. They wonder where Jesus is. Sometimes we have moments in life when we don’t feel God’s presence or see where or how he is at work. The Psalmist reminds us, “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” In this message we’ll talk about trusting God in the midst of the darkness.

Monday, September 11, 2017

John 19:28-37 “Blood & Water”

In this message, John interprets the death of Jesus through the lens of Old Testament sacrificial cleansing. The ‘Blood & Water’ which flows from Jesus’ side is the living water and the cleansing blood that restore our relationship with God. In becoming human, Jesus becomes ‘thirsty’ even as humanity is thirsty for God. In living in absolute obedience to the Father, Jesus ‘finishes’ the work of redemption, reclaiming humanity for God.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Matthew 9:9-13 “BLESS: Eat Together”

Big Idea: One of Jesus’ missional practices was to Eat with People. He ate with people who others would never have associated with. Eating with others is a way to break down barriers and ultimately draw people to Christ. Today we’ll talk about the missional practice of eating together.