Sunday, December 9, 2018

Philippians 1:3-11 “He Who Began a Good Work”

In this Advent message we’ll look at the theme of the bond we have with one another in Christ, as we share in spreading the gospel and growing in Christlikeness. God is doing a work in us. Paul describes us as being ‘blameless.’ This blamelessness isn’t based on what we have achieved or become in our own strength or by our own will, but it is due to the work of Christ on the cross and the Holy Spirit’s continued work in us. What God has begun in us, He will bring unto completion. This is the reason for our “Peace.”

Monday, December 3, 2018

Jeremiah 33:14-16 “A New Day Will Dawn”

Today marks the beginning of Advent, which is a time of anticipation at what God is about to bring about. In the passage from Jeremiah, the people of Israel are in a time of waiting. Babylon has overthrown Jerusalem and all hope seems to be lost. But the prophet gives them the hope filled vision of God’s promised future, which will bring about a new beginning in a just society. As we consider the state of our world today, the climate and chaos, we look forward in hopeful anticipation to the new world Christ is bringing about.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Revelation 1:4-8 “Christ the King”

This is the final Sunday of the church calendar year. It is "Christ the King" Sunday. The main theme is the Kingship of Christ and will focus on remembering this sovereignty and sure outcome in the midst of our everyday life and trials.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Mark 8:1-10 “Table Fellowship: Thanksgiving”

In this Thanksgiving message, we’re going to return to the table to count our many blessings. So much of our quality of life depends upon our perspective. In a culture that is constantly telling you that you need bigger and better so that you’ll buy more of their products, we’re going to begin focusing on how much we already have, especially as it relates to eternal life and the relationships that we cherish. Practicing ‘Thanksgiving’ is the only thing we need for an enriched life.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Leviticus 23:4-8 “Table Fellowship: Remembering”

As we head into our season of celebrations, gathering around tables at Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years, let’s focus on Remembering why we gather. The Jewish people celebrate seven festivals a year in order to remember. In Remembering they are also identifying who they are, what they believe, and what they look forward to seeing God bring about in their lives and in the world.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Luke 5:27-32 “Table Fellowship: Outreach”

One of the controversial practices Jesus was faulted for was his insistence on sharing the dinner table with anyone who wanted to join him there. The religious leaders described Jesus’ guests as ‘tax collectors and sinners,’ for which Jesus made no apology. It is those who don’t have it ‘all together’ that God is drawing to Himself and eating together, building relationships, is the among the main ways Jesus reaches out to those who were once strangers. This model of spending time together around the table is still one of the most effective means for building Christ-centered relationships today.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Luke 9:28-36, II Corinthians 4:5-10, 16-18 “Living with Death – Boldly”

Main points will include the following:
1-  Death is a universal experience, yet our society tends to encourage us to avoid facing it directly, leave it to professionals, and not allow for personal grief or sufficient time to heal when we lose a loved one.
2- On the other hand, modern Halloween glorifies the goulish pagan celebration of death and the frightful images of "half-dead" beings.
3- Both Jesus and Paul teach us to recognize that although our physical bodies are naturally declining (wasting away) the more-real unseen world is close by and is eternal, outside time and space.  
4- So we need to take time to be with persons approaching death, and we need to grieve and express sorrow when people we love die, leaving this world, but take comfort from the single source of real hope, Jesus our resurrected Lord.  

Sunday, October 21, 2018

John 13:1-5, 12-16 “Table Fellowship: Discipleship”

Message: John 13:1-5, 12-16 “Table Fellowship: Discipleship”

We are beginning a new series called “Table Fellowship.” In week one, we’ll discover the table is not just a place to eat but rather a place where discipleship and growth can take place. Jesus regularly used meal time as a time to reveal new lessons and insights that would shape his disciple’s lives.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Habakkuk 3:1-6, 16-19 “Embracing God in the Valley”

In chapter 3, the final chapter of Habakkuk, God does not answer Habakkuk’s prayers as he would have liked. None-the-less, Habakkuk knows from experience that God is good, even when life is not. He worships God not for what God can do, but for who God is. Habakkuk excepts the reality of his situations and embraces God in the midst of the valley of life.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Habakkuk 2:1-4, 20 “Waiting”

Last week, in part one of the “Hope in the Dark” series, we focused on ‘wondering’. Habakkuk had some “Why?” & “How long?” questions. In chapter two, we are invited into the uncomfortable ‘waiting’ period, where we are called to ‘listen’ and to ‘write’ down or hold firm to what God speaks to us, as it will help bring us through our current challenge or crises. It is a time where we let go of our timing and controlling and wait on God to bring about what He ultimately intends.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Habakkuk 1:1-13 "Where are you God?"

Can God be good when life is not?

When life hits hard, it plunges us into a sea of questions we hoped we'd never have to ask. But when you feel broken, abandoned, and struggling to find answers, there's a beacon in the storm. The next three weeks will be series focusing on the book of Habakkuk, showing how we can cling to God even when our circumstances are overwhelming because He will carry us through the storm.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Jeremiah 29:1-7 "Seek the Peace & Prosperity of the City"

In this message we’ll look at God’s instructions to the Israelites as they headed to Babylon in exile. God did not want them to only focus on getting back to Jerusalem, but to have an impact where they were. He directed them to seek both the peace and prosperity of this land which was not their own. In the same way, God uses Christians to bless the lands they live in as well as those places where the Gospel is growing and preparing for a future impact.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Isaiah 43:18-19 "One Thing"

There are times in life when we don't see how we're going to get through the present challenge or sense of being 'stuck'. In this message we'll look at four questions that will help us to discover God's new thing for our lives. 1. What one thing do you desire from God? 2. What one thing do you lack to move forward? 3. What one thing do you need to let go of? 4. What one promise from God do you need to claim? Forget the former things, God is doing a new thing! 

Monday, September 3, 2018

John 8:1-11, Luke 7:36-50, Luke 1:26-28 "Seeing Humanity"

In this message, we’ll learn how Jesus saw the individual and not just the problem. When Christ looks at our lives he sees both our hurt and what is needed for restoration. We’re never ‘just a number’. We are each like the one lost sheep that the Shephard leaves the rest of the flock to find. Jesus confronts the religious leaders because they fail to have eyes that see the humanity of each and every person. Only when we see the person can we be part of the solution.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Ephesians 5:15-20 "Seize the Day"

In this message Paul encourages us to make the most of our time here on earth. Rather than wasting the hours away in distraction and empty living, we’re called to seek God’s greater vision for our lives, which is connected with His vision for the world. Part of this vision is becoming the kind of person who inspires life in others. Even though the times are evil, God wants to place a greater reality within our hearts. This reality can be compared to a song that is sung from within and bursting out into the world. It is a divine joy based on an inward reality.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Hebrews10:23-25 “Membership Matters”

This Sunday we’ll be receiving new members into the church. Before the receiving ceremony, we will delve into Hebrews 10:23-25 and talk about what membership is and why it matters.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Ephesians 3:14-21 “Beyond Imagination”

In this passage, Paul, who once persecuted Christ followers, has discovered the depth of God’s love in Christ for all humanity. He prays a pastoral prayer over the Church of Ephesus, that they may be strengthened in their innermost being by the Spirit, to realize the truth of the power of being rooted in love. This is a knowledge that surpasses reasoning and leads us into the reality of God. It is not something we can arrive at on our own, but it is something God will bring about in us. This kind of transformation is beyond what we could ever imagine.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Ephesians 2:11-22 “The End of Hostility”

In this Ephesians passage we learn that Christ came proclaiming a message of peace, breaking down hostile dividing barriers. He broke down the barrier between God and humanity as well as barriers that separated people from one another. Christ is described as ‘our peace’. In this message we will remember our Christian mandate as peacekeepers, following in the Way of Jesus himself.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Ephesians 1:3-14 “A Reason for Gladness”

This week’s message is based on a passage from the lectionary. In Ephesians 3 we’ll hear the Good News that God has both noticed and adopted us into his family. We live in a world where everyone is competing to be ‘good enough’ and to prove their worth beyond that of another. But we exist in a deeper reality where our worth is affirmed by the God who created us. We do not have to be in competition with others for the love of God, as this passage in Ephesians also declares that God is working “to bring all things in heaven and on earth together under one head, even Christ.” We are free to rejoice in God’s love and plan for both us and the world around us as well!

Sunday, July 8, 2018

“Watch in Hope” Micah 7:1-20

When life seems to be at its darkest point and you wonder how it could ever be good again, hold on. In this message we’ll see how Israel is about to be sent into the darkness of exile, but the final message of Micah is one of a coming redemption. Hold On.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Matthew 9:9-13 "Chosen"

All of us are looking to be ‘chosen’ by someone who matters, so that we might know ‘we matter’
The Good News is, we do matter! Life is a great search. Yet the amazing revelation comes not so much in finding, but in discovering that we are found. Found by God. In this message we will talk about ‘Chosenness”. In discovering our ‘chosenness’ by God we also discover our mission to communicate chosenness to others who are also a part of the human community God loves. This message will serve as a reminder that all believers are called to be evangelists.

Micah 6:1-16 “What the Lord Requires”

As we celebrate the birth of our nation, Micah gives us a timely reminder of what the Lord requires. Israel was called to be a nation that acted Justly, loved Mercy and walked Humbly with God. In this message we’ll reflect again on God’s sustaining requirements for us to thrive as a people and nation.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Micah 5:1-15 "False Assurances"

Micah addresses a people who have come to place their trust in everything but God. They trust their war machines; they trust the empty words and promises of false prophets; they trust in their own cunning. In this chapter God declares that he will take away all the things in which they place their trust so that they may begin placing it in the one place that is truly dependable: Him Alone.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Joshua 4:1-9 "Remember"

Message: Joshua 4:1-9 “Remember”

Summary:  In this Memorial Day message we turn to the book of Joshua and look back at a significant event. God had stopped up the waters of the Jordan river to allow Israel to pass into the Promised Land. It had been a long, difficult journey, but the time had come for Israel to enter the New Land. After crossing God told Joshua to have twelve men take twelve stones from the middle of the Jordan and set them up as an altar of remembrance. In the days ahead they were to look back, remember, and teach their children the story of what God had brought them through. In the same way, we can look back at our lives and see God’s faithfulness, deepening our love and trust of His plan for our lives.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Acts 2:1-4 "Body & Spirit"

In this message we’ll look at the significance of Pentecost where the Holy Spirit came upon believers, breaking down barriers between God and men and between nations.  

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Micah 4:1-13 "Thy Kingdom Come"

In this chapter Micah cast a vision for the Kingdom God is going to establish. It stands in stark contrast to those of the world. The lowly will be made leaders and God will judge between the nations in such a way that there will no longer be a need for war. Swords will be turned into plowshares as peace and justice become the foundation for a new world. This work has already begun in Jesus whose “Good News” has spread throughout the earth to every tribe, tongue and nation.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Micah 3:1-12 "Crime Against the Divine"

Micah continues to paint an image of Shepherds who savage their own sheep like wolves. In this message we see that crimes against humanity are crimes against the Divine. God asks, “Should you not know justice?” In Micah it is revealed that justice is near to the heart of God and He seeks it in the heart of the community that calls themselves His people.

Monday, April 30, 2018

Micah 2:1-13 “False Profits”

In this message Micah will talk about two things: False Profits and False Prophets. In this chapter it is revealed that those in power are exploiting those who are vulnerable. They are amassing land for themselves and leaving the people of the land desolate. False prophets have arisen to assure these leaders and land owners that God’s blessing is upon them. Micah continues to forecast a reversal of roles. Those who have left others desolate will taste desolation for themselves. The chapter ends with a message of hope as Micah looks forward to a coming Messiah who will be a true shepherd and leader for God’s people.

Luke 24:13-35 "The Foolish Mystery of the Church"

Message: Luke 24:13-35 "The Foolish Mystery of the Church"

Pastor Stan Hagemeyer

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Micah 1:1-16 "In God We Trust"

This week we launch the Micah series, where we will be going through one chapter of Micah’s eight chapters each week. Micah is a book that proclaims both judgment and hope. In this first chapter of Micah we’ll see that both the Northern Kingdom Israel and the Southern Kingdom of Judah placed their hope and devotion in the treasures of this world rather than treasuring God. But when we treasure the same things the world treasures, we can be sure those things will both let us down and be taken away from us by those who covet them. It is better to treasure that treasure which no man can take from us: Life with God.

Monday, April 2, 2018

1 Corinthians 15:1-8 "He Appeared"

After His Resurrection, Christ appeared to many people, including some who did not believe in Him before the Resurrection. This included Jesus’ own brothers and a man who adamantly opposed the Church and the Faith: Paul of Tarsus. These post-Resurrection appearances transformed these doubters, unbelievers and even opposers into faith filled followers of Christ who impacted their world for Jesus. When did Christ first appear to you?

Monday, March 26, 2018

Matthew 16:21-26 "The Most Surprising Stranger"

In this message we will be introduced to the most surprising stranger of all: Ourselves. The Fall not only damaged our relationship with God, but also our knowledge of self. The greatest deception was not Satan’s deception of Eve, but humanity’s self-deception. Spiritual growth is not possible without self-awareness. Knowing God and knowing ourselves go hand-in-hand.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Romans 6:1-11 "The Strangeness of the Church"

As we continue our series “Encountering the Stranger” today we look at the strangeness of the Church. We are truly the strange ones in this world. We follow a man who claims to come from heaven, died and was resurrected. We follow him in death through the symbolism of baptism and seek to live like he lived. We beckon others to ‘come and die’ with us, arguing that it is the only way to truly Live!

Monday, March 12, 2018

Luke 6:37-38 "Not Safeguarding Against the Stranger"

As we continue the series “Encountering the Stranger” we come to the point where we accept our mandate as Christ followers not to ‘Safeguard against the Stranger’. Many of our judgments of others are motivated by fear. Fear builds walls that Christ desires to tear down. He makes this vividly clear in his call to not only love the stranger, but even our enemies.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Luke 7:36-50 "Learning from the Stranger"

Continuing the series “Encountering the Stranger” we arrive at this message of ‘Learning from the Stranger’. In this lesson we’ll look at how Jesus, considered an outsider by the religious leaders, was never truly received or heard by them. Because they did not truly receive the stranger and learn from him, they missed out on the fullness of God’s gift for their lives. We not only need to encounter the stranger, but a genuine encounter must open ourselves to learning from the stranger.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Philippians 2:1-11 "Becoming the Stranger"

In this continuation of the series “Encountering the Stranger” we will talk about our call to identify with the Stranger, Alien and Foreigner. Because of Israel’s experience in Egypt and as wanderers on the face of the earth, they were called to treat the foreigner among them as one of their own. It is through identifying with the plight of another that we are able to empathize and assist them. As Christians, we too are called to recognize our ‘alien’ status on earth, living as Kingdom of God people while here on earth.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Hebrews 13:1-3 "Encountering God in the Stranger"

In this message we’ll be looking at passages where God shows up as a stranger. Hospitality was a big deal to the Jewish people and it should be a big deal for Christians as well. We never know when we might Encounter God in a Stranger.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Nehemiah 1:1-4, 2:17-18 Divine Direction: "Faith to Start"

In this final segment of “Divine Direction” we’ll focus in on the need to “begin”. You don’t need the faith to get to the finish, you just need the faith to ‘start’. You certainly won’t finish something you don’t start. We’ll be looking how Nehemiah’s burden for Jerusalem turned into divine direction for him to begin something new.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Acts 20:22-24 Divine Direction: "Trust the Process"

We’re called pay attention to and follow the Spirit’s prompting in our lives. Yet this prompting does not come with ‘certainty’. If you’re not living with a little uncertainty—you’re not living with faith. Also, just because you’re following God’s plan doesn’t mean you won’t experience resistance. In fact, when we follow God’s direction we can expect resistance, but internally and externally. We are not called to be ‘successful’, but to ‘obey’. In obeying, we can have complete confidence in God’s plan for us.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Monday, January 22, 2018

1 Thess. 4:3, Prov. 16:2, Col. 3:17 Divine Direction: "Power to Become"

You haven’t finished your life story. What will you do with the blank pages? The choices you make today will lead you one way or another—but when you know who to trust, you'll always be headed in the Divine Direction.

In this series, we will learn how to seek God's will for our lives and how He cares more about who we are than what we do.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Hebrews 4:14-16 "Let Us Come Boldly"

In this message we'll remember who we are by considering God's invitation to come boldly before His throne. While in the Old Testament, the Israelites were afraid to approach God, in the New Testament the dynamic of our relationship has dramatically changed. We have been adopted as God's children. We have the same kind of access to God as a child has to their parent. We can come without fear. We come to God in prayer with all our needs and simply to enjoy His presence. Your 'image of God', the way you see God, whether from an Old Testament big guy in the sky view or a New Testament Abba and friend, makes all the difference in how you approach Him.  

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Hebrews 4:14-15 "Let Us Hold Firmly"

Jesus has been where we've been, he's hurt like we've hurt, he's been tempted like we've been tempted, and yet, he did not sin. The good news is because Jesus overcame, we can overcome as well. What do we do? We hold firmly to what we believe. And we believe that Christ is redeeming all things, even our trials, failures and hurts.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Hebrews 4:1-11 "Let us Enter His Rest"

This week we begin a new three week series entitled "Let Us".  The first message is "Let us Enter His Rest". The rest we are invited to enter isn't something reserved for when this life is over, but it is a rest we can begin enjoying now.  In fact, one of the most spiritual things we can do is "rest". This is a counter cultural message that will take discipline to embrace and practice.