Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Luke 9:28-36, II Corinthians 4:5-10, 16-18 “Living with Death – Boldly”

Main points will include the following:
1-  Death is a universal experience, yet our society tends to encourage us to avoid facing it directly, leave it to professionals, and not allow for personal grief or sufficient time to heal when we lose a loved one.
2- On the other hand, modern Halloween glorifies the goulish pagan celebration of death and the frightful images of "half-dead" beings.
3- Both Jesus and Paul teach us to recognize that although our physical bodies are naturally declining (wasting away) the more-real unseen world is close by and is eternal, outside time and space.  
4- So we need to take time to be with persons approaching death, and we need to grieve and express sorrow when people we love die, leaving this world, but take comfort from the single source of real hope, Jesus our resurrected Lord.  

Sunday, October 21, 2018

John 13:1-5, 12-16 “Table Fellowship: Discipleship”

Message: John 13:1-5, 12-16 “Table Fellowship: Discipleship”

We are beginning a new series called “Table Fellowship.” In week one, we’ll discover the table is not just a place to eat but rather a place where discipleship and growth can take place. Jesus regularly used meal time as a time to reveal new lessons and insights that would shape his disciple’s lives.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Habakkuk 3:1-6, 16-19 “Embracing God in the Valley”

In chapter 3, the final chapter of Habakkuk, God does not answer Habakkuk’s prayers as he would have liked. None-the-less, Habakkuk knows from experience that God is good, even when life is not. He worships God not for what God can do, but for who God is. Habakkuk excepts the reality of his situations and embraces God in the midst of the valley of life.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Habakkuk 2:1-4, 20 “Waiting”

Last week, in part one of the “Hope in the Dark” series, we focused on ‘wondering’. Habakkuk had some “Why?” & “How long?” questions. In chapter two, we are invited into the uncomfortable ‘waiting’ period, where we are called to ‘listen’ and to ‘write’ down or hold firm to what God speaks to us, as it will help bring us through our current challenge or crises. It is a time where we let go of our timing and controlling and wait on God to bring about what He ultimately intends.