Monday, February 25, 2019

1 Peter 1:10-21 “Children of the Son”

In this message we will see how the prophets who came before us shared a message that was for us. This messages of Ransom, freedom and redemption was fulfilled in Jesus Christ. The results of Jesus’ work are being brought about within us even now. Jesus has redeemed us for a purpose and we are to live into and out of that purpose here and now. This message will explore what it means to live as ‘Children of the Son.’

Monday, February 18, 2019

1 Peter 1:1-9 “The New Me”

This Sunday we begin a sermon study going through 1 & 2 Peter. This Sunday’s message focuses on Peter’s opening words to an audience facing the threat of persecution. They have been scattered abroad. Peter applies numerous of Jewish themes and titles to these Christians and speaks of their identity as those who are ‘chosen’ and receiving an ‘inheritance.’ Theirs is the new world that God has given them, but for now they must navigate the challenges of this world. These trials are a part of their preparation and refining, preparing them for their ultimate destination. Peter wants them to know and understand their new identity in Christ and focus on the greater goal which is yet before them.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Isaiah 6:1-8, [9-13] "Heaven and Earth"

We'll be looking at a passage from the Lectionary, which is Isaiah 6:1-8. In this message we'll be noticing three things. First, Isaiah's realization of his own falleness, which will help us focus on self-reflection. Second, God's glory and goodness which are revealed in creation itself. Lastly, how God restores us. 

Monday, February 4, 2019

John 6: 53-59 "Unkosher"

The message for February 3rd will be based on John 6:53-59. Just before these verses Jesus had declared that he is the bread of life. The religious leaders are aghast that Jesus would suggest his body is food. Jesus is talking figuratively of course, but their religious sensibilities don't allow them to pick up on that and see the deeper meaning. In this message we'll be asking 'what gets in the way of developing an authentic  relationship with God?' We'll be focusing on some of the presuppositions and 'rules' and 'lenses' we view life through that may keep us from encountering God in a real and authentic way.