Sunday, April 28, 2019

1 Peter 4:1-11 “A Different Drummer”

In this week’s passage, Peter calls Christians to leave behind the sinful behaviors that so many in the world indulge in. Instead, they are to cultivate spiritual virtues. They can do this once they move their focus from receiving the praise of men to receiving praise from God. When we do this, we will begin cultivating and practicing loving behavior, that lives now for the type of world we look forward to, where God’s love rules supreme.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Luke 24: “Road to Emmaus”

After the resurrection, two followers of Jesus were walking along a road that led to the town of Emmaus. As they did, a stranger joined them and began talking to them, discovering how it was they were doing. It was some time before they realized it was Jesus who had joined them. They had heard that he had risen from the grave, but they were not convinced until they encountered Christ in a more personal way. We too have heard of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection, but belief arises when we encounter Jesus personally ‘along the way.’

Sunday, April 14, 2019

1 Peter 3:17-22 “Sacrifice”

On this Palm Sunday, we revisit the moment when Jesus came riding into Jerusalem on a donkey. While he was exalted as a king by those waving palm branches and shouting hosanna, he came to lay down his life as a sacrifice for our sins. In this week’s passage, Peter talks about Christ as the sacrifice that saves us. All powers and authorities were subjected to him in this powerful event which changes everything.

Monday, April 8, 2019

1 Peter 3:8-16 “Inner Life, Outer Witness”

In this week’s message, Peter speaks to the Christian community as a whole, revealing what it looks like to be like Christ in our inner attitudes and outer actions. Emphasizing of the teachings of Jesus himself, Peter tells us not to repay evil with evil, but instead practice blessing those who do us wrong. Practicing doing ‘good’ is a vital part of living the best life God has for us, here-and-now. We don’t have to fear what others may say or do to us, so long as we are living well before God.