Sunday, August 25, 2019

Matthew 4:12-17 “Lessons from the Land: Capernaum”

After being nearly thrown from a high cliff in Nazareth, Jesus moved his ministry base to Capernaum and made it his home of operation. Capernaum sat upon a major trading route along the Sea of Galilee. This enabled Jesus to reach many people from all over the surrounding world. In this message, we’ll look at our mission to learn as Jesus’ disciples and to enter the world around us with the Gospel message of hope.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Matthew 4:18-22 "Lessons from the Land: Bethsaida"

Jesus announced his ministry calling in the Synagogue in Nazareth. After this he leaves Nazareth and before beginning his ministry, he calls his disciples. In this message we’ll talk about how Jesus personally calls each of us to follow him. Following Jesus and becoming disciples who are shaped by him is our primary calling in life. Everyone who is called ‘to’ Jesus is also called ‘away’ from something else. There are things we need to leave behind in order to follow him more fully.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Matthew 2:13-18 “Lessons from the Land: Nazareth”

In this message we look at Jesus’ hometown of Nazareth. This is where Jesus grew in ‘wisdom and stature with God and man.’ Jesus learned through the stories of biblical heroes and his daily activities as a builder. But Jesus discovered his identity in God, not those of his hometown. Only God can show us who we are.