Sunday, December 20, 2020

Matthew 2:1-12 “The Glory of Christmas: The Wisemen”


Message: Matthew 2:1-12 “The Glory of Christmas: The Wisemen”

This week we’ll watch as Tony, one of the wisemen in our play, sets himself aside to remember that it is Christ who is the center of the Christmas Story. In the same way, we remember that we are not the center of God’s Story, but Jesus is, and our attention and devotion turn toward him!

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Luke 2:8-15 “The Shepherd”

Message: Luke 2:8-15 “The Shepherd”

The announcement of the Good News that a Savior has been born was first proclaimed by Angels to shepherds tending flocks in a field. Shepherds were considered lowly compared to others. That God chose to reveal this Good News to them first was to demonstrate that this was Good News for all people. The Gospel and New Testament letters show how this message began with a few, but was always intended to be carried to the whole world. We have been entrusted with carrying this Good News forward to all who need it in our own day and age.


Sunday, December 6, 2020

Matthew 1:18-25 “Joseph”

Message: Matthew 1:18-25 “Joseph”

It is a recurring theme in the Bible that God chooses the most unlikely people to play the most significant roles in HisStory. Joseph is no exception. We’ll see how Joseph had to work through his fairs and second thoughts about his own role in God’s story. Then we’ll move toward a better understanding of how God has uniquely shaped us to do what only we can do as we take our place in HisStory. 

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Luke 1:26-38 “The Glory of Christmas: Mary”

MessageLuke 1:26-38 “The Glory of Christmas: Mary”

Advent begins this week and so we begin a new Advent message series. This first message will focus on a truth we can learn from the life of Mary. Mary’s plans changed that day the angel of the Lord encountered her with a new set of plans leading to the glory of that first Christmas in a Bethlehem stable. She could tarry and worry, or she could trust and wait on the Lord over the next nine months to fulfill His plans and carry her into motherhood. Mary chose to trust and wait. She chose to let God carry her through upcoming days of uncertainty, questions from society about her character, hardships on her husband who also would need some time to process this new change of plans.

Our God knows the plans He has for all of us. As crazy as those plans may seem at times, they are plans for our welfare and not for our evil. They are plans to give us hope and a future. And that future includes a capacity to experience and enjoy the glory of Christmas.



Sunday, November 22, 2020

Romans 7 7-25 “Faults & Faith”

Message: Romans 7 7-25 “Faults & Faith”

In this final message we’ll take a look at how Torah wasn’t prescribed to fix our faults, but rather to reveal them. Since Torah, or the Law, which is rules and regulations, can’t fix us, the Gospel turns us toward the solution, which is the Grace of God in Jesus Christ and the power of the Spirit at work in our lives. We’ll see how facing our faults is a mark of the mature believer. 

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Romans 6:11-23 “Everyone Serves Something or Someone”

Message: Romans 6:11-23 “Everyone Serves Something or Someone”

Last week we talked about the two ways that are open to us. There is the Way of Adam and then there is the Way of Christ. This week we continue that discussion in more vivid detail. In Romans 6 Paul essentially says that everyone services something or someone, so who or what do you serve? We were made to serve God, which actually brings us greater freedom. Yet, we often choose to serve lesser beings or ideas, which ultimately place us in bondage and lead to death.



Sunday, November 8, 2020

Romans 5:12-21, 8:1-12 “There’s Another Way”

Message: Romans 5:12-21, 8:1-12 “There’s Another Way”

In these passages, Paul reveals the two ways that are open to humanity. One is the Way of Adam, which is the way of ‘men.’ That way leads to destruction. But a new way has been opened up, which is the Way of Christ. This is the Way of Grace, and is not brought about by anything we can do, but received by faith in what God has done for us. This is a faith requires incredible trust in God rather than taking situations into our own hands by means of control. It is a faith that extends grace to others. 

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Romans 4:1-25 “Replacing the Law”

Message: Romans 4:1-25 “Replacing the Law”

The Jewish people replaced Faith with the Torah (right practice). Christians replaced Faith with Theology (right belief). Both are a form of salvation by works. But Faith was never meant to be replaced by anything. Genuine faith ultimately leads to both sound beliefs and good works. Rather than replacing faith, they flow from faith. So the question is, why do we do what we do? Are we seeking to earn something, or does what we do simply flow out of our faith because our faith makes us who we are? Faith does not seek a reward because the life that flows from it is it’s own reward.


Sunday, October 25, 2020

Romans 3:27-31 “The Path of Descent”

 Message: Romans 3:27-31 “The Path of Descent”

This week we return to our previous series that was cut short by Covid, “Reading Romans Backwards.” In this week’s message we’ll be looking at how the Romans and Jews both thought they had the advantage. Each considered themselves better than the other. But this was based on a misunderstanding of both the intention of Torah and the meaning of being Chosen in Christ. Instead of finding ourselves ‘worthy,’ Jesus invites us to follow him on “The Path of Descent,” where we realize that the only thing we should be boasting about is the Goodness and Grace of God. 

Sunday, October 18, 2020

2 Corinthians 7:8-10 “Why Can’t I Forgive Myself?”

Message: 2 Corinthians 7:8-10 “Why Can’t I Forgive Myself?”

In this final message in our series “The Grudge” we’ll be looking at the topic of forgiving ourselves. Sometimes the person that is hardest to forgive is ourselves. In this message we’ll look at the difference between two types of guilt: shame vs conviction. We’ll see how God applies conviction, but we often get trapped in shame. Once we understand the purpose of conviction, we’ll be more ready to forgive ourselves and move into the future God has for us. 

Sunday, October 11, 2020

1 Samuel 1:1-20 “Forgiving God?”

Message: 1 Samuel 1:1-20 “Forgiving God?”

In this week’s message, we continue our series “The Grudge.” We’ll be talking about those incredibly difficult things in our lives where God doesn’t seem to show up for us. The desperate prayers that seem to go unanswered. The times when we find ourselves thinking, “God, you could have done something. Why didn’t you?” We’ll see that God’s delays are not necessarily denials. And that though we don’t always get what we want, God always gives more than we knew to ask for. Our call is to trust God even when we don’t understand.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Luke 17:1, 3-5 “The Faith to Forgive”

 Message: Luke 17:1, 3-5 “The Faith to Forgive”

In this Sunday’s message from the series “The Grudge” we’ll be looking at the why and how to forgive those that have hurt or betrayed us in significant ways. We’ll talk about what forgiveness is and what it is not. We’ll also talk about God’s forgiveness of us and how forgiving others frees us!

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Proverbs 19:11, 10:12, 17:9 "I'm Over It"

Message:  Proverbs 19:11, 10:12, 17:9 "I'm Over It"

We're going to begin a new 4 part series this Sunday called The Grudge" and it is all about forgiveness.  

We have a tendency to carry painful parts of our past with us: resentment against people who’ve hurt us, mistakes we’ve made, or even bitterness toward God. This series will show attenders how to recognize the grudges they’re carrying against others and themselves, and how the pain we hold on to weighs us down and keeps us from stepping into the freedom that God has for us. Each week of The Grudge will teach us how to let go of the past for good and embrace true forgiveness for the future.   


This first week's message will be called "I'm Over It" and will talk about not being so easily offended. 


Sunday, September 13, 2020

John 1:10-14 “The Practice of Embracing the Unknown”

Message: John 1:10-14 “The Practice of Embracing the Unknown”

In this final message in our “The Soul of a Pilgrim” series, we’ll be talking about accepting our place as newcomers to this strange thing called existence, humanity, and creation. We are a people who like to have all the answers, but there is so much we don’t know about God, who is bigger than all we can imagine. There is so much we don’t understand about life and what we go through. There is also a lot we don’t know about ourselves. Embracing the unknown is about trusting in God over ourselves. 

Matthew 26:31-35 “The Practice of Beginning Again”

 Message: Matthew 26:31-35 “The Practice of Beginning Again”

In this week’s message we’ll talk about how Beginning Again is a normal and necessary part of our spiritual pilgrimage. There will be many times in this life that we’ll be called to ‘start over.’ The wonderful part is that we have a God who is gracious enough to invite us to start over again and again. We must consider ourselves to always be beginners, because beginners know there is always more to learn. Whenever we begin again, we begin with the lessons we’ve learned from previous experience, so we are always building upon what has come before.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

John 6:53-67 "The Practice of Being Uncomfortable"

Message: John 6:53-67 The Practice of Being Uncomfortable

This week we’ll be looking at “The Practice of Being Uncomfortable.”

The root word of the word ‘pilgrim’ is peregrini which means ‘stranger.’ Being a pilgrim requires that we stretch, that we travel to wild edges, and risk being uncomfortable. It is in that discomfort that we encounter new dimensions of our own capacity and new faces of the sacred. When have you been tempted to ‘leave’ because it was the easier thing to do? What is God calling you to go ‘through’ so that you might be stretched, overcome, and grow? 

Monday, August 24, 2020

Luke 5:1-11 “The Practice of Making the Way by Walking”

Message: Luke 5:1-11 “The Practice of Making the Way by Walking”

When we are called to follow Jesus, as the disciples were, it isn’t only an invitation to take a step toward an unknown outer journey. It is also the invitation to step into an unknown inner journey, toward uncharted territory. Just as God has led us on unfamiliar paths in this physical world, he also invites us on a spiritual pilgrimage into unchartered territory. How do our outer and inner worlds overlap and intertwine?


Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Matthew 6:19-24 “The Practice of Packing Lightly”


Message: Matthew 6:19-24 “The Practice of Packing Lightly”

This week we will begin a new series called “The Soul of a Pilgrim.” It will introduce us to a number of practices from our eight week retreat based on the book by the same title. The first practice we will look at this week is “The Practice of Packing Lightly.” When a person sets out on a pilgrimage, they must pack only what they absolutely need so they won’t be weighed down on the journey. This week we’ll talk about what it is we are seeking on our spiritual pilgrimage. We’ll also take note of the things we must consider leaving behind so as not to be hindered as we make Christ our destination.



Sunday, July 26, 2020

Luke 6:39-42 "Expecting to Grow as we Learn"

     As we come to the conclusion of the series “Expecting” we end by focusing on the expectation of our own personal growth as we learn more about who Jesus is and who he has called us to be. Once again, we emphasize our responsibility for our own walk with God rather than getting distracted by what others are doing or not doing. Our ultimate goal is to become more like our teacher, Rabbi Jesus.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Hebrews 10:19-25 "Expecting Deeper Community"

In this message we’ll be talking about the need we have for Christian community and the expectation that genuine Christian friendships will be intentionally deeper and more spiritually nurturing than average relationships. It is important to have authentic Christian bonds in our lives because the people we share life with influence the direction of our lives as ours do theirs.

Monday, July 13, 2020

John 21:15-22 “Expecting Less of Others”

In this message we’ll be learning how our focus on others, what they are or are not doing, gets in the way of our focus on what God has called us to do and be.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Genesis 28:10-17 "Expecting God's Activity"

Message: Genesis 28:10-17 "Expecting God's Activity"

The message will encourage us to prayer reflect on our days and experiences to discover God's activity in our daily lives. 

The passage is where Jacob lays down to rest in Bethel and has a dream of the ladder ascending/descending between heaven and earth and his surprise at God's presence and activity in a place he wasn't expecting it. 

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Matthew 14:22-36 "Jesus Walks on Water"

Message: Matthew 14:22-36 "Jesus Walks on Water"

 We'll be looking at this miracle as a message about Jesus' deity and our call to be focused on following him toward our transformation to become more like him. We'll also be talking about how easy it is to lose focus and how he is there to catch us when we are going under. 

Monday, June 22, 2020

Luke 8:26–39 “Jesus Casts Out a Legion of Demons”

Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit and his miracles are acts of restoration. One of the ways he heals people and society is by casting demons out of the possessed and freeing them from destructive forces. Paul tells us these forces are present at all levels of society and God seeks to deliver us from them and in so doing, we are also delivered from our own destructive forces.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Luke 22:47-53 "Jesus Heals the Servant's Ear."

In this passage we will talk about the disciples move from violent revolutionaries to those who understand the transformational power of self-sacrifice. Not only should we lay down our lives for those we love, but there is transformational power in laying down our lives for our enemies. Yet, why is it that we have a difficult time hearing the voice of others unless they pay the ultimate sacrifice? This has always been true and it is why Jesus had to die before people would be willing to hear his message. 

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Matthew 11:12-25 "The Withered Fig Tree"

The theme of the message is discerning what in life is not beneficial to your growth in God and as a follower of Jesus. Sometimes even religion isn't beneficial when it is focused on the wrong goals. This is a major point in Jesus' cursing the fig tree which represented Israel's religious, yet secular endeavors. What is inspiring us to grow in relationship toward God and as Christ-like followers and what is hindering us? 

Monday, March 23, 2020

John 19:34-34 "They Divided his Garments"

Message: John 19:34-34 "They Divided his Garments"

In this message we'll look at the garments Jesus wore that were taken from him at the Cross. Each of these garments reveals something about the truth of who Jesus is.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Luke 2:1-7 “Swaddling Clothes and Hems of Robes”

Today we begin a new series, “The Clothes that Jesus Wore,” that will lead us through Easter. In this first week of the series we’ll talk about Jesus’ purpose in coming into the world. As he was wrapped in swaddling clothes, we cannot help but think of how he’ll be wrapped and prepared for burial. Yet, it is also from the hem of his robe that healing will flow, just as his death will bring life to many.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Romans 3:21-26 “The Gift of Salvation”

Last week we saw how humanity chose the path of disintegration, falling further and further from who and what they were created to be. There were no exceptions to this. Jews and Gentiles alike are more alike than they thought. They all need a Savior and that is exactly what God provides the whole world in Jesus Christ.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Romans 11:11-36 “God is Faithful”

In this week’s passage, Paul shifts his focus from the ‘weak’ to the ‘strong.’ Those who have the position of power and privilege in the Roman church are the gentile believers. Yet their inclusion in God’s family does not mean they are better than the Jewish believers. God has worked these two stories together into one, which results in the whole family of God. God has been and will be faithful to both groups, so one should not set themselves against the other. Instead, we should trust that God is always faithful to all those who He loves. In the same way, God will be faithful toward us, no matter what our present circumstances are. 

Monday, February 17, 2020

Romans 10:1-13 “The Weakness of Legalism”

In this week’s message we’ll see how our redemption doesn’t depend on our efforts, otherwise we would be forever uncertain of our salvation. Instead, it depends on God’s goodness and we are called to trust in that goodness.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Romans 9:1 - 10:4 “Election and Inclusion”

In this famous passage, the Jewish people wrestle with their election as “God’s people,” wondering what it means that gentiles are now also part of the called and chosen. Paul explains that it was always part of God’s plan to include the rest of the world in His redemptive purpose. Our election isn’t based on our own ability or efforts, but on God’s goodness.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Romans 12:14 - 13:14 Christoformity: Part III

In the first two parts of “Christoformity” we talked about the follower of Jesus’ orientation toward God and the community of believers. In Part III we will talk about our relationship to the unbelieving world, which is our ‘witness’ and our ‘love of neighbor.’

Monday, January 27, 2020

Romans 12:3-8 “Christoformity: Part II”

This week we continue talking about what it looks like to look like Christ: Christoformity. We move from the necessity of our being oriented toward God to the need to be oriented toward the Body of Christ, which is the family of followers of Jesus. Within this community we use our gifts for building one another up, making room for our differences and providing a seat at the table for those who do not have power or privilege.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Romans 12:1-2 “Christoformity: Part 1”

The last couple of weeks Paul has shown how Power and Privilege are not something to be held unto among followers of Jesus. Instead, if we have any power or privilege, we are to use it to make space for those who do not. This is a big part of what it means to be ‘conformed’ to the likeness of Christ, or Christoformity. Jesus, as our example, teaches us to first orient ourselves toward God. That is, to live our lives with seeking God and his Way as our goal. That is what we’ll be discussing this week as we talk about living lives of sacrifice and prayer.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Romans 14:1-13 [14-15:13] “Powerful vs Unempowered”

In this week’s passage, Paul deals with a couple of issues that were causing division within the church located in Rome. He describes two sides as “Weak vs Strong.” These two sides had different convictions when it came to living out their theology. One of these group had more power than the other, while both were in the wrong. Paul tells both to live out their convictions without forcing others to imitate them, but he puts more responsibility on those who have more power. In the end, this is a lesson in not judging others and entrusting the lives of others to God.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Romans 16:1-6 (7-16) "Reading Romans Backwards"

We are beginning a new series this week called “Reading Romans Backwards.” In these first verses from Romans 16, where we will begin our series, Paul is breaking down assumptions of Privilege and Power that were so taken for granted in the first century world. Unexpected people are leaders in the early church, but they too are equals and all are considered ‘siblings’ in this community. Each person must set aside aspects of their old identities in order to embrace their new identity as one people “In Christ.”