Sunday, July 25, 2021

2 Samuel 12 & 14 “Self-Awareness”

 Message: 2 Samuel 12 & 14 “Self-Awareness”

These stories demonstrate how David’s perspective was changed only when he was able to see through another lens. He could not see the circumstances clearly when he was emotionally tied to them or part of the problem. But when he could view it from a 3rd person perspective, he was able to discern more clearly. In this lesson, we’ll learn some keys to self-awareness and transformation.


Sunday, July 18, 2021

2 Samuel 9:1-8 “Risking Reconciliation”

 Message: 2 Samuel 9:1-8 “Risking Reconciliation”

Society’s way of dealing with threats is to eliminate them. Following God, rather than the ways of men, David does something unprecedented: He loves his enemy/rival. Rather than protect himself, he chooses vulnerable love. This is exactly what God chooses in sending Jesus to live among humanity as a human being. It is also how Jesus invites his followers to engage people in the world and in their lives. Are we ready to take a risk toward reconciliation?


Sunday, July 11, 2021

2 Samuel 7:1-17 “A House Established”

Message:2 Samuel 7:1-17 “A House Established”

When we encounter God and realize that he is the source of our lives, we have a desire to give back to him. God appreciates this desire, but above all else, he wants us to know that He also has a desire for us. His desire is to establish us and continue a formative work in our lives. David desires to build a house for God. God responds by revealing to David that He is building a future for David. That ‘House’ culminates in the person of Christ, the descendant of David who becomes eternal ‘King.’ God ultimately establishes His “House” in Christ. We celebrate this fulfilled promise every time we celebrate Communion.


Monday, July 5, 2021

2 Samuel 6:1-15 “When Tragedy Strikes”

Message Title: 2 Samuel 6:1-15 “When Tragedy Strikes”

 In this passage, it seems like everything is finally going right for both David and Israel. But in the midst of celebrating, a tragedy strikes. David finds himself questioning everything he knows about life with God. He goes through a time of being angry with God. He doesn’t receive any real answer for the tragedy, but as life goes on he sees that God is still good and he chooses to continue walking with this God he cannot fully wrap his mind around.