Sunday, April 24, 2022

Luke 24:13-35 “Tombs to Talks”

Message: Luke 24:13-35 “Tombs to Talks”

On this second Sunday of Easter, we look at the place of the Empty Tomb in Jerusalem’s Church of the Holy Sepulchre to the Talk on the Road to Emmaus. The tomb is found empty and soon after Jesus appears to two disciples on a road going toward the village of Emmaus. Jesus continues to appear to us on the many roads of our lives, speaking life and hope.


Monday, April 11, 2022

John 12: 12-19 “Palms”

Message: John 12: 12-19 “Palms” 

On this Palm Sunday, Jesus makes a grand entrance as he comes riding into Jerusalem. His entrance is filled with meaning and understood properly, it is at odds with what the crowd wanted and expected. Even the disciples didn't understand the implications until after Jesus' resurrection. In the same way, our understanding and image of God continues to grow and be redefined as we grow in our relationship with Him. What are the old images of God that weren't accurate and perhaps continue to hinder you? How is your understanding of who God really is continuing to develop as you continue to get to know Him more?


Monday, April 4, 2022

The Book of Esther: More Than a Story: Esther

More Than aStory: Esther

Text:  The Book of Esther

 Main idea:  God is always writing a story in this world… often in unseen and unlikely ways.  We join His greater story as we courageously live into the role he has written for us with integrity and grace.    


The Book of Ruth: More Than a Story: Ruth

More Than a Story: Ruth


Text:  The Book of Ruth

 Main idea:  The story of Ruth is the story of ALL of God’s people.  It speaks to an extravagant and beautiful redemption that invites those who are far away to join the story of God’s family.